Dette Publique (document en anglais)
Mémoire : Dette Publique (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar midou47 • 21 Avril 2012 • 452 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 264 Vues
1 Introduction
A series of recent papers have focused on the normative exercise of determining
the optimal level of public debt in non Ricardian economies where agents face
borrowing constraints, idiosyncratic risk and incomplete insurance markets.
The starting point of this literature is the seminal paper of Aiyagari and Mc-
Grattan (1998). These authors argue that agents balance the adverse effects of
higher distorting taxes and crowding out of private capital with the favorable
effect of reduced cost of precautionary saving. Their setting yields an optimal
level of public debt of 66% of annual GDP for the U.S. economy. One aspect
that Aiyagari and McGrattan (1998) rule out by assumption in their model
is the cyclical behavior of the economy. Thus this is explored in Desbonnet
and Kankanamge (2008) that features a setting with aggregate fluctuations to
assess the optimal level of public debt. The main result of this paper is that
the level of public debt is on average higher in an economy with macroeconomic
fluctuations than in an economy without. The literature on the cost
of business cycles has highlighted the importance of reducing the adverse effects
of aggregate fluctuations. Papers such as Krusell and Smith (2002) or
Storesletten, Telmer and Yaron (2001) draw a link between aggregate risk and
the cross sectional distribution to produce strong distributional effects of aggregate
fluctuations. Those authors suggest that reducing the cost of business
cycles have non negligible effects on the economy. However the experiment
performed in those papers is the total elimination of business cycles and no
policy instrument to perform this task is specified.
In this paper we argue that public debt could be used as a stabilization policy
instrument. This argument is not new and this instrument has been extensively
used by actual policy makers. Previous literature suggests that in an
Aiyagari and McGrattan (1998) type non Ricardian economies, the ratio of
public debt over GDP needs to be higher if the economy is facing aggregate
fluctuations. However the stabilizing role of public debt has not been explored
so far. The main objective here is to analyze the impact of a countercyclical
rule on the optimal level of public debt. As this is a natural policy experiment,
we introduce a simple