Сoncept de " lieu et forme de pouvoir "
Analyse sectorielle : Сoncept de " lieu et forme de pouvoir ". Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar madonna • 14 Mai 2014 • Analyse sectorielle • 694 Mots (3 Pages) • 1 033 Vues
I'm going to talk about the notion “places and forms of power”. First I'd like to give a definition of this concept it's the ability or official capacity to exercise control, authority. I'm going to try to present this notion with examples and documents we have studied in class, like “The shame of India”, “Apartheid”, and the research about Intouchables.
Social division / Power over blacks
We can speak about the division between blacks and whites. A first document, “The shame of India”, deals with the caste system which still exists in India today. The Author’s aim is probably to inform the reader and make him react against this shameful practice. It has a close link with my research on "untouchables" because any two deals with the difficulties endured by the colored people. Whites are part of the caste system, and they took advantage of the situation to use powers over Blacks, mostly illegals. Colored people were outcasts of the society and they were subject to segregation and discrimination. They are also called “Dalits”. In my research, I learn that the social division began around 1619 with the sending of Blacks from South Africa to the first British colony as slaves.
Des Lois
Laws, rules and regulations are very important for this notion. They help us to understand the evolution of power. I studied a document which is entitled “Apartheid”. It’s the name given to the policy of the racial segregation in South Africa by the White minority against the Black majority in 1948. The document explains that Apartheid is a system where a part of the population is subject to discrimination and exclusion based on race, ethnicity or religion. I know that this law means separate and unequal. This is why apartheid is unpopular, unjust and why the majority oppose it. Even though, this intolerable discriminatory system has been declared illegal by Indian law, it still exists today because many hypocritical and privileged people stick to tradition. Furthermore, my research on Dalits talk about the Emancipation Act, the law passed even Apartheid which is abolished in 1991. The Emancipation Act is the law which allowed the abolition of slavery in 1933.
South Africa and India are affected by an excessive power. In South Africa there has been an evolution, whereas in India, even if it becomes a modern society, there is always the problem of castes. I can show that’s true, with the date of the document I have choose, which is "the shame of India". It indicates 2002 and talk about the caste system which is always present. I can also talk about another place of power, Internet. Media’s power is already used, for example the election of a new president. They talked at the TV, on internet, social network, and others. Today a new constitution and black president “OBAMA” are at the power, and it’s recognition of black people’s rights and an emergence of a black middle-class. For two more examples, the White House which is the official residence of the President of the United States and the Pentagon, which is the Headquarters of the Secretary of the Defense and the American Army, are also places of power.
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