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Lieu Et Forme De Pouvoirs

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Par   •  30 Avril 2015  •  718 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 146 Vues

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Places and forms of power:

The power is force exerted or capable of being exerted, power is synonym of strength. He can be exerted by Justice, medias (like televisions, radios), High political authorities or how we saw in class by a whole country. Let’s talk about places and form of power in India.

Is India a country of contradiction?

First of all, i’m going to see if there are inequalities among citizens. Then I’m going to discuss inequalities among men and women. Finally, we’ll see the evolution of Indian society.

For a long time, women in India were considered lower than men. Indeed, they are victims of domestic violence, rape...

India is divided into four social castes, making up the caste system. What is the caste system? « Caste » means placing people in occupational group, this way of life took place in South Africa 3000 years ago. It has been pervaded for century. It’s really rooted in Indian religion and it divided society in 4 unequal, hereditary social castes. Indeed, there is a hierarchy order. However, there is a problem, this system is really rigid, strict and there are rules. You must stay in the class you are born, you have to marry a member of the same caste as yours, you have to accept for the fixed place in society. Moreover, the fifth caste or outcaste are called untouchables, or dalits, they represent two hundred million Dalits in India and they are at the end of the social ladder. Even though Dalits disappear in urban area, they still exist in urban area, and they have to use specific schools, temple, water sources, so the discrimination toward dalits still exists.

In 1949, Ghandi renamed them as “Harijans” which means, “people of god”, and the Indian government remove the discrimination and made widespread reforms. Today, there are 170 million Dalits in India and over 40% survive on less than 2$ a day.

If discrimination exists among citizens, then discrimination among men and women exists too.

The dowry tradition is the largest inequality among men and women. This are impose to all bride’s parents to pay the dowry, a gift to the future husband’s family. if they don’t respect this rule, the bride can be beaten, or sometimes, even killed.

Indeed, a lot of girls are killed at birth for many reasons and this practise is called female infanticide. There are several reasons for these murders. That’s why India is a male dominated society because men can take care about their parents when they are old. They can look after the family name, and the family business. Then, they are financially more interesting, and that creates a gender selective. Finally, there are more boys than women because having a daughter is less attractive.

In spite of these inequalities, we can finally say that India is a country which is currently changing.

India is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by area, the second-most populous country with over 1.2 billion people. Today, India is a contradiction. On the one hand, there is the poverty side.

On the other hand there is the Indian tiger: even though a lot of Indians are still poor, India’s economy is changing rapidly. The high-tech


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