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Tester la culpabilité humaine

Cours : Tester la culpabilité humaine. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  31 Octobre 2015  •  Cours  •  377 Mots (2 Pages)  •  705 Vues

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67745 HT

        We as human beings have done so many hideous acts during our existence, but genocides are one of the most horrible that we had ever imagined. It consists of a physical elimination of a group of people due to their only belonging to the group itself. This kind of act shows how much humans can be cruel. Genocides have huge consequences such as: The loss of humans, cultures and the perpetual fear on societies.

           Genocides have major impacts on population. It decimated whole families, left widows and orphans behind. The survivors were left with painful memories that will be hard to forget, they lost hope into humanity. The origin of all their suffering is caused by humans, their equals. There is a set of emotions that submerge you all at once when you think about it, they are hard to process. After all, they surely you feel betrayed.

Moreover, families are decimated and their cultural background with them. It is all their habits and beliefs that disappear. Ideas that were passed from generation to generation are now gone. Some thoughts that could have been helpful in the future, a meaningful legacy for the youth. There is no take back. Genocides are unforgettable whatever causes are behind them.

This awful act has an effect on the society as a whole. It triggers fear and anxiety into people’s mind. They feel insecure and surrounded by danger. Even years after, the victims are terrorized and have difficulties to been through it. They struggle all their lives trying to forget it, they wake up with night fevers and nightmare. It is not even a life, people can see them as survivors but I will always see them as victims. They did not choose to lose their families and reapers. All they knew disappeared at once.

          All in all, genocides demonstrate that humans are devoid of emotions. They are being selfish by organizing this kind of act. All they think about is to achieve some selected goals but don’t take a minute to process the consequences. The families decimated the culture loss and the triggered pain.


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