2020, FACQUER, Edgar, English III, Global studies Unit 1
Compte rendu : 2020, FACQUER, Edgar, English III, Global studies Unit 1. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar e.facquer • 28 Septembre 2020 • Compte rendu • 534 Mots (3 Pages) • 641 Vues
2020, FACQUER, Edgar, English III, Global studies Unit 1
Critical Thinking Questions
- What do you think is the most important social problem facing the world today? Why do you feel this is the most important one? Discuss the effects on groups or society?
Before starting, what is a social problem? A social problem is any condition or behavior that is a negative consequence on a large number of people. I feel that the most important social problem the world is facing today is the pandemic of Covid-19. This pandemic affects all the world and it is a new virus that nobody knows about it. This pandemic is a social problem because it causes an economic crisis in lot of countries and causes a lot of deaths. For example, in March 2020, there was a disagreement between Russia and Saudi Arabia. Russia refuses to reduce the oil production to try to keep the price moderate. As a result, to that, the oil price dropped. This problem also had an effect on a big part of society. For instance, in France, all the cultural sector was closed during the lockdown and the cultural sector (theater, museum, cinema) received no money so their employers were forced to fire them. So, there has been an increase in unemployment.
- What is the Thomas theorem? Do you agree or disagree with this theorem? Why ?
The Thomas theorem is a theorem formulated in 1928 by William Isaac Thomas and Dorothy Swaine Thomas (1899–1977) the famous sentence is If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences. I understand about this theorem is that that the behaviors of one person is explained by their perception of reality and not by reality itself. I agree with that theorem because everybody have a different way to think and to interpret things and to have their own opinion about a reality
- Social scientists argue that a system-blame approach to social problems is important because social structures and institutions are often at least partially to blame for social conditions. Do you agree or disagree that the system-blame approach is important? Do you feel that the person-blame or the system-blame approach does a better job of explaining social problems?
I feel that is not the fault of the the system because I think that the system makes all his possible to try to low down social problems maybe not enough but I think that the problem is coming from the person and there are the only responsible of the social problems
- What is a social problem that affects your life? How does it affect you, your family, and/or your community?
I feel that I really do not have a social problem and I feel fine.
- Discuss one social problem in the world today. What do you think should be done to help solve this social problem?
In the U.S.A, recently, there are a lot of acts of racism and for me that is not acceptable to kill people with no defense and with no valid reasons. To resolve that, the guilty need to be have a real sanction, and in 2020 there shouldn’t be this problem it’s a an it is profoundly immature .