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Synthesis MS

Fiche de lecture : Synthesis MS. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  7 Février 2018  •  Fiche de lecture  •  1 292 Mots (6 Pages)  •  398 Vues

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Question1: “How does Professor Ahmed Naciri (ESG, Montreal) define the concept of sustainable development of organizations?”

Question 2: What are the links between the three concepts: sustainable managerial practices, competitiveness and organizational performance? How is this link perceived by Professor Ulf Richter (Tongji University, China)?.”

Question 3: Professor Kals Johnnas (Ludwigshafen University, Germany) has defined an ISO 5000 organization-oriented standard in terms of optimization of the use of energies. What are the dimensions of this standard and what impact it has on the performance and competitiveness of organizations?”

Since the industrial revolution, our society has undergone an unprecedented development but has not always measured the consequences of the evolution of its way of life. Added to this is the acceleration of trade with the rest of the world, globalization, increasing inequalities between rich and poor countries, and population growth forecasts targeting 9 billion people around the world 2050.

Faced with the ecological and social crisis that is now globalized, climate change scarcity of natural resources, freshwater shortages, gaps between developed and developing countries, world population growth and natural and industrial disasters to name a few, sustainable development is a response of all actors, cultural and social development, states, economic actors, and civil society.

Sustainable development is a new conception of the general interest, applied to economic growth and reconsidered on a global scale in order to take into account the environmental and social aspects of a globalized planet.

It is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Two concepts are inherent in this concept: the concept of "needs", and in particular the essential needs of the most deprived, who should be accorded the highest priority, and the idea of ​​limitations as the state of our techniques and our social organization imposes on the ability of the environment to meet current and future needs.

Simply put, sustainable development is a mode of development that aims to produce wealth while making sure to reduce inequalities but without degrading the environment. In time, we have the right to use the resources of the Earth, but the duty to ensure their sustainability for future generations; And in space, every human has the same right to the natural resources of the Earth.

It is urgent to find a new model so that the generations of tomorrow can continue to live better on a single healthy planet.

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Applied to the economy, sustainable development integrates three dimensions: economic, combining efficiency and profitability to strike the right balance between profit and sustainable environmental management, social responsibility and the basic needs of populations by reducing Social inequalities in respect of different cultures but also environmental whose environmental responsibility is to maintain the ecological balance in the long term by limiting our impact on the environment.

The aim is to reconcile social and economic progress with the preservation of the natural balance of the planet.

Applied to the corporate world, the notion of sustainable development has led them to be more attentive to the concerns of all stakeholders. For companies, this involves engaging in social responsibility processes, influencing practices and processes in areas such as human resources, business practices, local impact, etc.

We live under a liberal economic system, which is based on the principle of a market where competition is free. Economic activities, if they provide wealth and employment, are also the cause of serious social and ecological problems.

Sustainable development must enable non-financial concerns to be integrated into the functioning of economic actors. Indeed, we see that the wealth produced is always more unequally distributed, whether between countries or between the social strata of the same country.

The stakes are high: giving the economy its indispensable place in society, without being the driving force of choice.

Exploiting globalization, without wasting human resources, seems to be topical, but a news that is becoming more and more urgent. Two key words emerge: competitiveness and performance. Confusing competitive product and performing business has become intolerable so both are interwoven for proper organization within the modern economic system.


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