Lettre type : Innovation. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Memed Bcn • 15 Avril 2020 • Lettre type • 6 285 Mots (26 Pages) • 524 Vues
Course objectives
Clarify the notion of innovation
Understand certain factors that maximize the chances of success of innovations
Understand the role of marketing in successfully launching innovative projects.
Chapter 1: Clarification of concepts
1 Definitions of innovation
2 Classification of approaches
3 Objects of innovation
4 The notion of innovation process
Chapter 2: Management of innovations
1 Managing the innovation process
2 The success of the early stages of innovation
3 Successful implementations of innovation
4 Structural aspects and success of innovations
5 Innovation and Organizational Performance
1. Benzarti S. and Jallouli R. (2010), New Technologies and Artists, Case of Tunisia, Tunisian Approaches in Management: Entrepreneurship and Cultural Investment, University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne / CNR, Collection l'impensé du temps
2. Boussif T., Benzarti S. and Jallouli R. (2010), Managing public relations, Case of the Tunisian Symphony Orchestra, Tunisian Approaches in Management: Entrepreneurship and Cultural Investment, University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne / CNR, The Unthought of Time Collection
3. Boussif T., Jallouli R. and Ben Hmida I. (2010), The business sector of the company and the choice of the CRM solution, 8th International Colloquium of the Tunisian Marketing Association, Hammamet, 2- April 3
4. Jallouli R. (2006), Innovation and market orientation, Case of art products, Thesis in joint supervision, University of Tunis El Manar - University of Corsica
5. Jallouli, R. and Lassouad A. (2010), Performance indicators in the art sector, Tunisian Approaches in Management: Entrepreneurship and Cultural Investment, University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne / CNR, Collection L'enspensé du time
6. Jallouli R., Zghal M and Orsoni J. (2008), Marketing and art, Is this the big gap? New approaches in culture and development, University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne / CNR, Collection l'impensé du temps
7. Pacitto Jean Claude (1998), “What marketing for very small businesses?”, Revue Française de Gestion, November-December, 42-52
8. Paulus Odile (1998), “Public museums and private museums: objectives, evaluation”, Revue Française de Gestion, January February, 43-56
9. Turki S. and Jallouli R. (2008), The Management of artistic and cultural projects in Tunisia, New approaches in culture and development, University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne
In a context of growing business globalization and high demand for value creation, competitiveness and profitability of companies depend today, for the most part, an innovative managerial policy providing companies a real technological advance. A new awareness has emerged since the late 1990s: the research for innovation has become a strategic issue because it constitutes an essential factor for improving the company's economic performance. we are witnessing an evolution of the entrepreneurial profile: it must perfectly master the management techniques and its immediate environment, both internal and external, but it must be more and more capable of refining its approaches to the markets in order to take advantage of all opportunities, to integrate risks and threats, but above all, to identify new sources of innovation. The search and development are more and more advanced and advanced, it is very integrated upstream and needs to be run by specialists. The constant search for control of overall costs, cost reduction, associated with the need to innovate to stand out and survive, seem to be an absolute priority for all companies: all departments and their players have a strong role to play in the future of their business. However, crush the prices through power a relationship no longer seems to be in order. Always more gain, less time, optimal quality. Differentiation of companies and creating added value no longer involves price. Companies have realized that in order to live and survive; they must innovate and create benefits that will set them apart from their competitors. Variations in demand, the increasing globalization of economies, and consumer demand increases market instability. Businesses must be more reactive than ever; they must continue to customers who are both unfaithful and demanding. The time is no longer for the scarcity of products but the scarcity of the customer. Also, maintain market share and gain, require real daily work, aimed at building and strengthening an innovative strategy that will make all the difference for the consumer. Innovation must be integrated into the culture of the company, where each point of improvement must be studied to be implemented.
Chapter 1: Clarification of concepts
Several studies have looked at innovation but their results are not always converging: The factors that are shown to be important in a study prove to be less important and sometimes negligible in others. This is generally associated with different perspectives that vary considerably from study to study: The meaning of innovation varies according to the authors who design, study and measure the innovation of different ways. The purpose of this first section is to clarify in a first paragraph the concept innovation, presenting the main definitions. The second paragraph outlines some classifications of the innovation literature, and finally, the third paragraph will be devoted to the subject of innovation.
1 Definitions of innovation
Definitions of innovation have not stopped evolving with the research carried out on this subject: A first section of the literature focused on essential differences between innovation and organizational change and in particular to situate innovation as a means of adapting to change, or as a means of creating the change. A second, gave definitions of innovation focused