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Exposé sur les prisons

Dissertation : Exposé sur les prisons. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  28 Septembre 2017  •  Dissertation  •  450 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 037 Vues

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In jail, the overpopulation is a regular problem for decades. Two sentences for too many inmates who are in old jails added to the sentence from the law.  This reality is often a obstacle for the reinsertion. While jails are more and more privatised, we can see an increase of the population. Jails become a market.

Part 1 : How jails have been privatised in France, United States and others countries ?

  1. In France.

In 1987, the rate of occupation in French jails was 160%. Albin Chalandon who was Lord Chancellor added 13 000 places in jails with the privatisation : jails are controlled by State but by companies. (=> for What? meals? Cleanings? (que font les entreprises exactement et que reste t-il à la charge de l’état ?)

In 2004, a new kind of agreement is created : PPP agreement. Companies can devise and build prisons. For instance, Sodexo build 34 prisons, Engie 16 prisons and Bouygues 3 prisons.

  1. United States.

The first private jail opened in 1984. GEA and CCA both large companies achieve a turnover of 3.3 milliard dollars per year.

Part 3 : beneficiaries and losers of privatisation, which future for jails ?

  1. In France.

Beneficiaries and losers

Winners are privatised companies. For 13 jails with PPP agreement, State must pay for rent 1.4 billion Euros from now to 2040.

Since 2005, the number of inmates increases of 12% and the length of time for punishment too: from 8.6 months in 2006 to 11 months in 2013. So, owners make money. Furthermore, if the rate of occupation is superior or equal to 120%, State must pay penalties to the owners.

Moreover, companies can decide to forbid changes wanted by the State. Therefore, State is losing control.

Parler aussi pour les prisoniers, que ça les empechent d’avoir des bonnes conditions de vies et de reinsertions, faut trouver des chiffres.

Which future for jails?

In 2015, the number of inmates is about 66000 for about 57 000 places, then that‘s make a rate of 114%.


  1. United States.

Beneficiaries and losers

Nowadays, with a law call SB-1070 in Arizona, all strangers suspected to an illegal emigrant can be incarcerate for 30 days.

Because of different laws like this one, the population in privatised jail is increasing from 37% between 2002 and 2009 whereas the rates of criminality has felled of 45 % .  Moreover, added by companies in the agreement, there is an obligation of occupation which says that jails must be filled between 80% and 100% otherwise they will be penalties for the State. But the rate of criminality doesn’t matter.

To sum up, jails become a market for private administrator and there is less justice.

Which future for jails?


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