Développeur web
Rapport de stage : Développeur web. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar mourad-rahali • 20 Septembre 2018 • Rapport de stage • 6 447 Mots (26 Pages) • 839 Vues
First I would like to thank Mr Simon JENN for giving me the opportunity to do an internship within BeClood, for his invaluable guidance and advice and especially for his confidence in me. Although quite short, for me this was a great experience I learned from. It helped me to explore my skills and increased my interest in web development.
Special thanks to all BeClood members for being so accommodating and understanding and for helping me during my mobility period. I appreciate their patience and help.
I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervising Professor M. Wilfrid Morel, His wide knowledge and his logical way of thinking have been of great value for me.
I would like to thank all my outstanding professors at ITIC Paris for their valuable education.
The key to having successful and fully functional web applications is in their communication with the user. Website design & web development is no longer just about publishing your brochure on the Internet. Whether it's about establishing your identity, developing/enhancing an existing identity, producing a periodical online publication, producing an entertainment site, or exchanging data with your partners/clients, your website must do something for its audience.
I worked closely with expert developers to analyse and develop new web applications. I pushed boundaries to create web designs and solve every many problems faced in developing web applications.
1. Table of contents
I. Introduction 3
II. The Company 4
A. BeClood 4
B. References 5
III. The work environment 5
A. Types of contracts 5
B. Task manager 7
IV. The web 8
A. Web server 8
B. Content management 9
C. Features of CMSes 9
D. Some free CMSes 11
V. Development environment 12
1. eZ Publish and eZ platform 12
2. eZ Platform features 13
3. Strengths and weaknesses 14
4. eZ community 14
A. Symfony 15
B. eZ platform and Symfony 19
VI. Technical work 20
A. The redesign of the website beclood.com 20
B. Setting up the integration server 21
C. Conception 22
D. HTML integration/Html web template 22
E. Problems and Suggestions 24
VII. Conclusion 25
I. Introduction
As a part of my Master studies I did a 6-months internship (15 April – 30 September, 2018) at a web Agency named BeClood.
This internship period was an opportunity provided me a great chance to relate my theoretical knowledge with the competitive and tough real job market environment. Moreover, if the internship period is within my master program, the skills that I have developed during the internship help me to gain a good experience in web development that will prepare me for the company and my future career. I joined BeClood as an intern on 15 April 2018. The expectations were high and now almost nearing the end of my internship I must admit that it was really a wonderful experience.
I was lucky to get the opportunity to complete my industrial attachment at BeClood, is a leading Website design and software company and developing software from a long ago in Montpellier, I consider myself timely to get the chance to take a deep look to their development methodology, working models, deals and industrial behaviour. I intended to look into the web development industry and how it looks like, what are their rules, responsibilities and environment. Obviously they work with almost every platform and technology. I worked with the part of Web Development team and generated ideas based on their development technology. The journey wasn’t that simple. There were many obstacles, new technologies that I have to handle with, yet after overcoming each challenge I had discovered a new potential within myself. The skills that I have gathered are priceless to me and I cannot wait to apply those in real life job. In addition to that, some of the non-technical skills that I have procured, combined with those technical skills will certainly prove handy in my future jobs.
II. The Company
A. BeClood
BeClood is a Web agency, created in 2014, specialized in the design and realization of editorial websites and customized business applications, using exclusively Open Source solutions, eZ Platform (the used CMS) and Symfony(PHP framework).
The company’s headquarters are based in Montpellier in the French Tech building, next to shopping center «Polygone». At the time of the internship, BeClood had 10 employees in total.
The French Tech building, where BeClood and other companies are located:
BeClood is the combination of the complimentary experience and knowledge of its founders acquired since more than 10 years in the leading companies of Open Source integration.
BeClood create business critical web applications for forward thinking market leaders, using the most cutting edge and proven open source technologies (eZ Publish, Symfony), it has produced some of the most prominent websites in France, sites with high traffic and advanced features.
BeClood deploys the best open source solutions in the market in a variety of domains like: content management, portals, ERP, business intelligence, CRM, ECM, e-Commerce, as well as systems and infrastructure.
B. References
To have an idea about BeClood’s field of activity, here are some of their most important clients:
• Ffgolf (https://www.ffgolf.org, BeClood manage a big part of their new projects as well as the maintenance