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Dyslexia, learning disabilities

Étude de cas : Dyslexia, learning disabilities. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  7 Novembre 2017  •  Étude de cas  •  366 Mots (2 Pages)  •  641 Vues

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By Jeanne Tostivint                                                                                                                            Dec.16th/16

Learning disabilities (dyslexia)

Dyslexia is a dysfunction that occurs in the brain. The brain is divided in many functions, the dysfunction happens in the letter’s zone, people with dyslexia needs more time to read, understand and write. They have normal intelligence, they can be very good at maths.

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Here’s the special way the brain of those with dyslexia work into two hemisphere. The left hemisphere is generally in charge of language and, ultimately, reading. While the right typically handles spatial activities.

How to recognize student with dyslexia:

-Called lazy, stupid, messy, immature, "lack of work" or "problem behavior".

-Good IQ but fails the assessments in the classroom. More successful in oral and written

-Feels stupid. A little self-esteem. Hides his weaknesses thanks to ingenious compensation strategies. Level of frustration and stress high in the face of reading and controls.

-Gifted in the arts, drama, music, sports, the mechanics, the art of storytelling, business, business, design, construction, or engineering.

-Disperses and dreams. Easily get lost and don't have the concept of time passing.

-Learn more easily through manipulation, demonstrations, experimentation, observation and Visual aids.

How to help them:

They do tests to determine if the student has dyslexia, then they make reeducation and remediation strategies and go to speech therapist two times a week.People with dyslexia has normal intelligence, we can just try to understand their brain. Dyslexia does not heal but people with dyslexia can recover reading functionalities by re-education and many efforts from students, it’s a permanent effort


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