Cours Institutions Politiques Anglaises (document en anglais)
Dissertation : Cours Institutions Politiques Anglaises (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar PEPETE34 • 29 Janvier 2015 • 10 735 Mots (43 Pages) • 1 158 Vues
Key date : 1215 King John forced to sign Magna Carta. Model Parliement 1295 : first representative assembly. The bicameral nature of B parliament emerged in 1341 in the 2 chamber mb of the legislature. Many other parliamentary system such as the US or France; another important future : 3 parts of the UK Scotland Wales n special status local administrations. The granting of powers inhe central power to a governement at the sub national level such as regionals or lacol or state level is called devolution. It defers from fedralism without the power devolved temporary. Resigned in the central gvt. England represents 84% of the total population is not a clear. The british political system has no equivalent to federal system such as the 50 states in the US. Also power in the UK is not constitutionaly construded into 3 sparated branches. The interaction between the powers are numerous : parlement/ executive. The presence of the monarc is symbolic and limited, also still affect strongly the institution. Additionnaly, 1973, it have been a member of the europen union. UE has 27 members. Also the uk gvt and parliament are limited but what they can do because such areas of policy or decisions making are nature of the EU. Rcent constitutional reforms have emphasized the need to establish a clear vision between the judicial and the legislative power especially by creating a supreme court of the UK and by reduring the functions of the lord chancellor.
Politics is the practise of the art or science of directing and administrating state or other political unit. This definition is contesting. Popular usages, Aspects of social life : politics only appears at the level of governement and most involved in party competition. In fact, politic is a process that try to resolve or manage conflicts of interest between people usually in peacefull manner. Politics can aslo describe interaction between gr. I can refer to many and complex relationship between state institution and the rest of society.
Ideollogy and british politics
Ideology can be dfined as any system of inter-related ideas offering a comprehensive world view and able to motherlize their number of pepople for or against politic chance. Iedology provides a comprehensive and systematic prospective whereby human society can be understood and provide a framework of principles from which policies can be developped. Well, Bristih politics is inevitably ideologica. Its is generally associated with continuty moderation and compromise. Since the violent price of the 17th century there have been no revolution ranging changes or shore-breaks in the dvpt of the political system. In fact, revolutionnary parties and ideologies are rarely attracted in mass following in the UK. Communism or fachisim had nver secure modern french support. It has often apperead that major political parties have been completly for the center groung. British politics have been more ? By consensus rather thanh conflict. In war time, in period of national emergency, political leader have been prepared in coaltion to ? Yet, at all the time, such as 1950's and 1960's many have oberved an absence of shore different policies. This post-war consensus appeared a break-down into the 1980's as the CP M. Thatcher moved to the rights in the Labour party increasgly appearated as the left. After words, this period was followed by a more consensus style of gvt as Tony Blair who attemp to bring Liberal democrat and moderate conservative with his gvt. Finally, commentaire have done drawn attention to the facts and similiraties that political rethoric of gordon brown, cameron and clegg. The diffrent ideologies : liberalism → it remains stream strongful philiosphy in the modern world despite the declaim of the policilat parties decrbing themselves as liberal. Most politicla ideologies such as conservatism or socialism are defined in raltion to liberalism. And it is necessary to start with liberalism of political doctrin toda. Distinction is commonly made between economic and political liberalism. Modern liberal? See the free market as a essential liberal value. Howezr, 19th century continental liberlism was a political doctrin. Victorian liberalism stood for political reform at home and support for national and constitutional mvt of rôle. The instauration of victorian liberalism was derived more from religion than classical economics. While clearly measures diffrence ? Comment wild measure of gvt....
Key liberal ideas and values
⁃ Indiviualism is the key liberal assention/statement. Individual human beings rather than nation, races or classs are the strating point for any theory of society, politics, or economics. For liberal, society is seen as an agregate of individuals symbolized that prior state of nature in which neither society or gvt existed. In fact, the individual is logically and morally prior to society.
⁃ Rationalism is another central cord assention. Liberals assumes that individuals pursue for their own serve interest. No one else can determine the individuals on interests for them
⁃ Universalism. Liberal assumes that human nature is universal. Everywhere. Individual human beings all over the world are motivated by similar interest and imposes. Liberals assumes that there are universal human rights. By contrast, conservatuve genrelly consider that behaviour is more culturally fix is particular societies while socialist although advocating universal remedies for human misery assume existing attitude and behaviour are a considerable extent socially determined.
⁃ Freedom is considered to be the essential liberal value. They recquired that indivual shall be free from external restrictions to anable them to pursue their served interests. An important application was the principle of toleration : particulary applied to freedom of religious belief. In the early history of liberalism, freedom of religious belief recquired 3 limits to the power of the potentially oppresive state to interfere with individual liberty.
⁃ Equality, justice, consent. Consent : for liberals, the notion of gvt onlyy with the consent of the governed implied democracy.
⁃ Liberal democracy
It simplest suggest conserving, they are captical aptitude to change. As compared with most liberals and soliatist, conservative have genreally stress the limitation of the human reason and rationalism, prefering to rely on traditions and suppresive wisdom in errance in traditionnal values, institutions and processes.
Hailsam He as described conservatism as not