Les élections présidentielles américaines de 2020
Commentaire d'arrêt : Les élections présidentielles américaines de 2020. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar skye tamberry • 12 Novembre 2020 • Commentaire d'arrêt • 1 154 Mots (5 Pages) • 335 Vues
The day before the 2020 US élection
introduction :
We are literally less then 24 hours away from the 2020 US presidential election. Since Tomorrow is as the Constitution says the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November Which is when the US presidential election is supposed to take place per the Constitution. They have four differents candidate will appear on the ballot in the 50 states who officially can become the 46 President of the United States of America Zero Donald Trump for the Republican parti and Joe Biden for the Democratic parti For the Libertarian parti there is loe Jorgensen and for the green parti there is.
Kanye west was an officially candidate for the US presidential election but it wasn't able to appear on the ballot
Even though The election is full of surprises only two candidates have chances to win the presidential election is Joe Biden and Donald Trump and became the next president of the United States.
The constitutional context :
theo US Constitution was adopted in 1787, It is a testament of the pelegrims the people who wrote the American constitution. The way the president is to be elected is writing in the US Constitution In article 2 section 1 He talks about the executive power and the way the president and vice president is elected
In the Constitution it's writing the president is to be elected the first Tuesday following the first Monday of November each for years. They're free condition you need to meet to became the next president of the United States acording to the Constitution :
- You need to be at least 35 years old there are limited age
- You need to be born in the United States so if you're an immigrant or an American citizen but waren’t born in America you cannot became president
- You need to live at least 14 years old in America
The president is elected indirectly :
Each state Is going to be given a certain number of great electors And is those electors who are going to vote for the president. Do you not me wrong people interstate do not vote for the great electors their vote for the candidate and then the candidate who have the majority wins the great electors of this states The number of great electors is 538. The entire house of representative and the 2 great electore for each state it give you 535 great electors and after the capital washington DC give 3 eletoral vote by the 23 amendment of the constitution. You need to an absolute majority in the electoral college to become the President And you need to 270 of great electors to become president.
This country is a consideration of states and because of that justice states are represented in Congress The states have to be involved in the election of the president Is about making sure each state have a voice in the election of the president of the united sgates.
Examples :
California and wyoming :
California is the most populated states with Almost 14,000,000 inhabitants And wyoming is the least populated states with less 600,000 inhabitants California is 68 time the population of wyoming. If it was a direct popular vote California has 68 time the power of wyoming in the election. California has 65 electoral vote in wyoming has 3.