Quel est le but et le rôle des ressources humaines ?
Commentaires Composés : Quel est le but et le rôle des ressources humaines ?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar dissertation • 5 Novembre 2013 • 601 Mots (3 Pages) • 893 Vues
The Human Resources Goal is to create a good work-environment and a peaceful workplace to facilitate the emergence of ideas of its employees.
After analyzed in this study, the human resource strategies of the famous search engine Google, we will analyze step by step the process of Employer branding to properly synthesize information obtained. We recall that the art and science of employer branding is therefore concerned with the attraction, engagement and retention initiatives targeted at enhancing your company’s employer brand.
The first step of EB process is brand insight and components, by understanding vision for the business and employees. To success in this step, Google has found an Employee interest groups, which is formed by Google employees; this practise allows a better understanding of the current employee experience and improvements. Therefore Employee satisfaction is often referred as “star Voice” in a company so a survey shows that In March 2012, Google surpassed Facebook in employer satisfaction employer rating, Google rated at 3.9 compared to Facebook's 3.7. But the biggest advantage of Google human resource lies well within its own organization. Their retain strategies do not focus on using pay or benefits to attract and retain better workers but they target motivation by providing self-fulfilling roles.
The second point of EM process is brand promise and development, and we cannot say that in this area that Google is not a pioneer of innovative concepts; for example, employees can bring their dogs to work, Maternity in the offices … dozens of innovative concepts that allow employees to clear the mind in order to be better able to work well. Importance of the workplace by the employer value proposition strategy is really strong. Besides, Google create good type of benefits between functional, economic and psychological. It’s provided a high-level of denotative and connotative felt, which contributed to the construction of the Google myth.
The last point of employer branding process concerns the brand management; Google has a simply ideology which says to get the best from these creative minds it is essential to provide them with great managers. So in fact the company provide lot of communication tools to improve this management by putting a large number of meeting rooms all more unusual than others.
The ASA cycle is very well developed in Google. We saw in the study case that Google have one of the world's largest recruiting budget to select the best applicants. And it really helped by the first A that is the attractiveness of the brand resulting from their high level of Employee value proposition and Employee satisfaction. The last A is attrition; but it the best assets of Google retention strategy. As in another company lose their employees, Google make the difference. Their workers are such happy and motivated that they couldn’t consider moving to another company.
Due to their strong culture of openness and to satisfy the most of their employees, Google filled with exemplary characteristics that defined a good employer branding.
However, we can see some weakness in their recruitment strategy. Including internally or for a few years there has been an upsurge in spite Junior Senior. This trend could lead to problems of hierarchy within the group. Indeed, it is important in a Company as Google to have