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Projet Marketing, Nokia Corporation

TD : Projet Marketing, Nokia Corporation. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  19 Juillet 2017  •  TD  •  2 337 Mots (10 Pages)  •  962 Vues

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        - presentation of the product
        - identification of its position on the market and the consumers’ profile
        - identification of the problems we have to solve


        - the objectives

        - solutions and strategies

        - justification of the campaign supports


I/ Introduction

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  • Presentation of the product


        Nokia Corporation is a Finnish multinational which launched many phones and became the first world’s mobile constructor from 1998 to 2011. One of the most famous phone they have released is the « Nokia 3310 ». It has been commercialized for the first time at the end of 2000.

At the time, it had a huge success because of its unbelievable resistance and because people could use it for a really long time without needing to recharge it and it had been sold in 126 million copies. Everybody knows someone who got this phone once, and something was amazing about it : it was unbreakable. But with the appearance of the smartphone and the evolution of technologies, this phone disappeared as fast as it came on the market.

Recently, in May 2016, our french start-up named Lëkki which is specialized in commercializing vintage phones and game consoles, decided to relaunch the Nokia 3310. In order to promote this phone and to increase the sales, we decided to launch a marketing campaign. Our mission is to do the entire campaign about this phone and in order to create it, we chose to create a memes and a huge campaign on the Internet. The major objective is to relaunch this mobile on the market.

  • Identification of its position on the market 

There aren’t a lot of competitors in the market but among them, there is MTT « Mobile Tout Terrain » which is a french brand. This brand is known for its very resistant and watertight phone. It can be said that this is the major competitor of the Nokia 3310. However, the Nokia 3310 is appreciated because of its celebrity but also for its battery which is really performing. Above all, it is now a vintage phone and it has an unfailing popularity. The smartphones are the most used phones nowadays but these are not really competitors : indeed, our phone is different, this is not for the same consumers and we are going to explain the ideal consumers’ profile.

  • The consumers’ profile

Our potential consumer could be a person who is passionate about vintage things, and collector items or for example old-technologies. Our marketing segment would be from the age of 40 to around 70. We are very conscious that our product can not interested the young generation : they want high-technology, many apps and want to at the top of the technology. This is not the goal of our product. We assume to be different, and will target people that knew the time of « Nokia 3310 ». This phone is a memory remembering the old time. Businessmen are not our main consumers target, due to its need of applications to work faster. We want to target parents, who don’t have time to care about their phone. But it can also be someone who is clumsy, who always drop his phone and break it, someone who is not very agile. It can be a rational shopper : he’s not interested in shopping, he buys things only if necessary, he’s not very attracted by something special. It is an interesting profile for our product because our phone is really simple, it only calls and sends text messages. It has also the very famous « snake » game which the only app it has, is known by many people and really appreciated.

  • Identification of the problems

However, before launching our marketing campaign, we need to be careful about some issues. Today, the smartphone is the basic phone everyone wants to have, but as we said, the Nokia 3310 is a really basic phone which only calls and send text messages. How can we promote this relaunch in order to give the Nokia 3310 its celebrity back?

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II/ Marketing plan

  • Defined goals of our campaign

        Everyday, our society lives with high technology products. The more your phone is equipped with new apps to make your everyday life for practical, the more you’re following the trend. This society is overly-focused on creating new forms of modern products.

We want to make the difference. Our enterprise motto is “back to basics”. Why ? People tend to forget the first use of a phone : calling, sending text messages. To sum up, keeping in touch with your relatives or friends. Most of the time, societies forget to think about a small part of society : those who do not care about high technology, but more about practice. This is on what our campaign is based. We do not want to put aside those people.

Nokia 3310 is the phone you need. What is the major problems of people’s everyday life ? Breaking their phone. You spend a big amount of money to buy phone casings, or if you didn’t buy one, to repair your phone screen that is broken because you made it fall by accident. Imagine all the money you could save by just having an unbreakable phone.

The defined goal of our campaign is to be different. There is hundred of publicity based on how skin is a phone or all the functions it can have. Being out of the trend is a way to attract people’s attention. The competitivity nowadays is so strong that you need a way to be different.

Our campaign tends also to choose a particular market segment. This allows to be more specific for our campaign, to target specific people. For example, targeting the young for our campaign would not be a good idea : they are too obsessed by trend.


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