- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Mark Twain

Mémoires Gratuits : Mark Twain. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  20 Avril 2013  •  616 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 370 Vues

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1- Does technology threaten our privacy?

- I'm a yes and no on this because ...

NO) I don't think technology itself is the threat because it is just a medium if you want …

YES) It's more the people who could use that medium in the optic of breaking into people privates life? (Understand)

EXAMPLE: website that put tracker on people web browser and track everything they do on the internet and use those informations in a optic of business or smartphone application that track everywhere a person go with the geolocation (GPS) on their phone.

That kind of technology is a threat …

- There's always the ongoing debate whether what kind of informations is private and what's not?

- In some ways, I think the biggest threat to people privacy is the peoples themselves, most peoples have no ideas for what's they sign up when they subscribe for something and usually they have no real concept of what's going on behind the curtains.

2- Should we fear a cultural invasion by the US via the internet?

- I don't think we should fear it but we should definitely be aware of it …

MEANING) News, tv, cinema … a vast majority of the content come from the US and in a certain way it become kind of easy to forget that the world doesn't stop at the US boarder.

AND … also, most people what's kind of sad is that people directly associate the US with what they see in the media but there's more in the US than the star system, obesity or violence.

- I've been lucky enough to travel quite a lot in some exotic countries and the culture of the US is quite present there … Restaurant, the way of dressing and so on.

3- Is professional success unavoidably linked to a keyboard or a touch screen.

- Not right now and not in every sectors … but it is coming rapidly (maybe 10 years or before)

- I think a vast majority of if you can say human work force will be replace by computer and people who operate these computer.

- It has already started in the auto industry where the peoples who worked in the assembly line have been replaced by robot … I think the next big sector that will be impact by it is the construction industry (I can definitely embody a sort of robot that do some roofing or build complete structure of a house or a building and way faster than human)

4- Is virtual reality a way to escape reality?

5 - Distance don't exist anymore. Is that good or bad?

6 - Is too much or too little technology in our schools?

- Definitely not enough, my point of view on this is pretty radical but I think schools and teaching method should be rebuild from the ground up.

- I think school missed a big thing by


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