Comment choisir les bons candidats ? (texte en anglais)
Dissertation : Comment choisir les bons candidats ? (texte en anglais). Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar chut0 • 3 Novembre 2012 • 1 001 Mots (5 Pages) • 1 164 Vues
Diapo 1 – how to choose the right candidate
Today, we'd like to talk about how to choose the right candidate for a job .
We are in economic crisis period and high unemployment that means that People who are looking for a job are More than the jobs exists in the job market .
During the meeting, the employer has a wide choice , but he has to take the best one .
Diapo 2 – which criteria...
In Fact, which criteria can guide the employer choosing the right candidate?
What are the motivations of the director ? Are they relevant?
Diapo 3 – basic criteria and state of minds
Firstly, we are going to see the basic criteria of a good employee .
And then, we will move on and talk about some states of mind that we should banish in choosing the candidates.
So, lets start with the basic criteria of a good candidate
we are going to illustrate this part through a dialogue between an employer and an employee .
(Diaporama 4 – The basic criteria of a good employee - Ms. Raymond the CEO , welcomes Ms. DAVIDSON for an interview about a job in an SME of the export of coffee )
Mr. Davidson : Hello Mr. RAYMOND , I am pleased to meet you.
Mr. R : Okey , what qualification do you have ?
Mr. D : I'm graduated in Master of Economics in International Management
Mr. R ; I need to know what you really know , what did you retained during your course ? Your speciality is International Management ?
Did you make any training ? What you have learned ?
Mr. D : Yes , of course , I have learned during this five year Des maitrises logistiques , languages ..
Mr. R : Ok Ok , It was just to ask about this , If I decide to choose you , you will be tested anyway.
Do you have an experience of a certain period ? so you will be able to accomplir your work even if you have to deal with difficult situations ?
Mr. D : I... Not really
Mr. R : Okey , why should I choose you ?
Mr. D : I have the characteristics of an effective employee , I have the necessary motivation to be the most qualified .
I have the charisma needed to trade with our suppliers customers.
I know the impact of the current crisis , but you can be sure that Im profitable for your business .
Mr. R : Go Into this office Please .
( Diaporama 5 – a GOOD Candidate is … )
Here, in this Dialogue , the employer knows what exactly he wants and what he is looking for in a candidate , so his questions describe a good candidate for a job.
But , sometimes the boss can choose someone for the wrong reasons.
*It's doesn't mean if we were rejected that we are not good , but the employers have a lot of good candidates , so when he need to choose only one , of course the rest will be rejected , that's can be one of the reasons when we are rejected . ( but just that