Unemployment Is Hardest On Young People
Analyse sectorielle : Unemployment Is Hardest On Young People. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar hghg • 19 Mars 2014 • Analyse sectorielle • 653 Mots (3 Pages) • 864 Vues
In the dictionary the word unemployment is described as a cessation constraint of the occupation of a person. In France the rising unemployment resumed in 2001, after two years of decline. The unemployment rate had experienced their first decline in 1994 and 1995, followed by the rise in the following years. At this time, the government is working on this problem.
Unemployment, in France, particularly affects young people between 16 and 25 years. The most common reasons are firstly that the youngest people have limited education and low skills. They prefer to leave school at the age of 16 years, as it is no longer required to go to school. Unemployment particularly affects low skilled and those who did not graduated. Degrees are much less affected by unemployment. According to the statistics, the unemployment rate of degrees of higher education was only 5%, nearly twice less than graduates (8%) and three times less than people without a diploma. These youth also lack experience. When entering the labour walk, employers wonder experiences of work.
In one household out of seven, there is at least one unemployed. In 110,000 households, an adult and a child are concerned. According to the statistics, in all age ranges, women are more often unemployed: 23% against 18% for 15-24 years, 10% against 7 % among 25 to 49 years. Even if the unemployment rate tends to decrease the long-term unemployment worsens. One unemployed out of two is unemployed for a year, and one out of four is unemployed for more than two years. Some people are not entitled to unemployment compensations. Indeed, for example, young people age of 25 who have never worked, persons who resigned voluntarily or those who worked but did not enough hours can’t have any compensation.
Fortunately today, the Minister of unemployment is now doing its best to help the unemployed. First, he put in the 35 hours with the goal of creating jobs and slowing down the use of part-time. What seems particularly attractive is the creation of employment for the part-time workers who want to have a job full time. This system creates about 250,000 jobs. The government has passed a law that setting early retirement for those over 55 years; it is one way to reduce unemployment by hiring young people. I think that it is a great way to reduce unemployment. It 'll create much work for people. To enable young without qualification to receive a first experience professional, the State has set up paid internships, that’s to say, another chance for young people’s to learn again. The government has also implemented the development of professional training and career change aid.
There is also the ANPE and the ASSEDIC. L’ANPE is a national employment agency and the ASSEDIC is a social security insurance. ANPE helps people to find a work. The average duration of job search today is slightly lower for women, 14.3 months against 14.7 months for men. Meanwhile, these people receive compensations, but only for a certain time period. The ASSEDIC associations are created to receive collections and pay allowances to employees who lost their jobs. These benefits, however, are not granted automatically to all unemployed workers, and they are subject to certain conditions and in limited cases, it is important to know it. The ASSEDIC benefits are granted under certain conditions, including for a limited period, the unemployed.
In conclusion,