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Short Essay:

The Role of Creativity and Innovation in the Workplace

Ahmed Wassim Labbene

Student ID: 16-439-0523

Com102: Writing & Composition II

Lecturer: Trevor Crosby


Table of Contents:




Creativity & innovation at the workplace….……………………………….………….....4

Impact of the innovation & crativity....................................................................................6



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Creativity and innovation are the keys to a successful work unit. The companies that have done the best so far are those who encouraged a creative and innovative environment to achieve goals, so what do creativity and innovation mean?

Creativity is a mixture of knowledge, curiosity, imagination, and analysis. The greater the knowledge base and level of curiosity, the more ideas, results and combinations can be achieved. Creativity goes hand in hand with innovation.


As we’re living in the 21st century, jobs became more about gaining money rather than unleashing the creativity of the employees. Workplaces became robot factories that follow hierarchy. This hierarchy created the notion of authority and the boss which is a person who only gives orders and considers himself superior to his employees, while employees are the ones that only do what they are told. As a result, this enlarged a gap between bosses and employees, birthed a distance between employees themselves. Luckily, for the last two decades, many companies, especially startups, realized that the key to success is the involvement and contribution of each and every member of the workforce. So, innovation and creativity have become critical skills for achieving success in developed economies. But the major question is how can employees be given the chance to release their creative side at the workplace?

Creativity at the workplace

This idea can be firstly realizable by involvement as Linda Naiman states that:” For innovation to flourish, organizations must create an environment that fosters creativity; bringing together multi-talented groups of people who work in close collaboration together, exchanging knowledge, ideas and shaping the direction of the future.”. The fact is, if people aren’t feeling connected to their company; it is little incentive for them to be innovative. So, employees need to be in the loop of the firm’s strategies and challenges. Employees who are involved early on in processes and plans will be very motivated. Their active participation will fuel more ideas if they learn of initiatives firsthand. Secondly, prioritizing innovation will ensure that all the employees know that their ideas are being heard. Granting a value and an appreciation to their contributions would encourage employees to work harder and reach their full potential. So that they understand how innovating the business processes can keep the firm competitive and contribute to its success. Thirdly, giving support brainstorming will assign time for new ideas to come out; for example, setting aside time for brainstorming, holding regular group workshops and arranging team days out. A team connected with a brainstorming session is likely to be more efficient than the sum of its parts. It is also possible to make suggestion boxes around the workplace, ask for innovative ideas to puzzle out particular problems. Added to that, the staff may be able to bounce an idea around, but be unfamiliar with the skills involved in creative problem-solving. So, training sessions in formal techniques such as lateral thinking and mind-mapping may arouse their hidden skills and creativity. We can’t also exclude the role of management in teaching employees how to change their mindsets into more innovative and creative ones. Managers can set an example for the employees by demonstrating traits that highlight innovation such as fluency, flexibility, elaboration and originality. As leaders, that is how they nurture and foster creativity in their workforce. Albert Einstein says that “if you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got.”. Therefore, encouraging change and broadening people’s experiences can be a great way to spark ideas and achieve more progress with time. Short-term job swaps can introduce a fresh perspective to job roles. For instance, it is good to encourage people to look at how other businesses do things, even those in other sectors, and consider how they can be adapted or improved in order to give more space to productive criticism which can be an important tool for self-improvement as a company. Furthermore, adopting a fresher point of view and perspective by making employees look anew at the way they approach their work will enhance their creativity. They will be taking substitute ways of working and what might be achieved by doing things differently. Also, tolerance is extremely essential; responding enthusiastically to all ideas and never making someone offering an idea feel foolish will increase the employees’ confidence. A certain amount of risk-taking is inevitable with innovation. It allows people to learn from their mistakes. Added to that, Motivating individuals or teams who come up with winning ideas by actively recognizing innovation, for example through an award or a recognition scheme. According to the “Innovation in the MENA Workplace” there are 44% of companies that reward their employees’ creativity.  Also, giving the team some time outdoors can help in enhancing their creativity. Whether it's getting the freedom to work from a local park or stepping away from their desk for a walk, employees are more creative when they're allowed to connect with nature. Sixty-four percent of respondents said spending time outside is important to their creative process. Last but not least, Allowing for adaptability. Some might think that a specific plan is the only way to attain business aims, but some of the most creative individuals go into a project without crafting a clear strategy. The majority of respondents showed that they are open to chance opportunities that may change their direction and that, when faced with an obstacle; they are quick to reframe their approach.


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