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Comment la révolution informatique a affecté le commerce?

Commentaire de texte : Comment la révolution informatique a affecté le commerce?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  24 Mai 2015  •  Commentaire de texte  •  269 Mots (2 Pages)  •  651 Vues

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How has the IT revolution affected trade ?

Global trade increases. Both the source of materials, and the finished product need more markets. The more production increases the more the demands the suppliers have to meet. The more mass production increases the lower the prices, thus more consumerism.

Today, most organizations rely on IT more than they know. Almost every commitment a company makes to the outside world, whether it’s related to projects, operations, compliance or financial reporting, requires IT. Yet, many CEOs will still say, “We’re not Google or Microsoft. IT isn’t a core competency. We can outsource all of this.”

For most companies, IT functions as the nervous system and provides an increasing amount of the organizational muscle mass. Most critical business functions are entirely automated within IT, and 95% of all capital projects depend on IT to get done. Today, nearly every business decision will result in at least one IT change.

Information is a factor of production (along with capital, labor, land (economist) as well as a product sold in the market, that is, a commodity. As such, it acquires use value and exchange value, and therefore a price.

The object of economic activities can be conceptualized according to the fundamental distinction between matter, energy, and information. These apply both to the object of each economic activity, as well as within each economic activity or enterprise. For instance, an industry may process matter (e.g. iron) using energy and information (production and process technologies, management, etc.).

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