Incipit Peau de chagrin, Balzac
Commentaire de texte : Incipit Peau de chagrin, Balzac. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar joel.jakob • 19 Mars 2023 • Commentaire de texte • 1 129 Mots (5 Pages) • 444 Vues
Family name : Lafon First name : Pierre Class : 3E
English test: UNIT 4
I La proposition infinitive: remets les mots dans l’ordre pour former une phrase correcte /5 points
- you/want/ texting/ to/ I/ stop.
I want you to stop texting.
- to/ teacher/students/ this/ his/doesn’t/ use/ the/ internet/ want.
This teacher doesn’t want his students to use the Internet.
- go/ get/ him/ his/ mother/ wants/ to/ up/ and / to/ school.
His mother wants him to get up and go to school.
- Sarah/ she/ doesn’t/ bed/ too/ to/ to/ late/ want/ go.
She doesn’t want Sarah to go too late to bed.
- Her/ unplug/ week/ a/ family/ she/ expects/ to/ for.
She expects her to unplug for a family week.
II Complete with the correct quantifier: / 5 points
- A lot of teenagers are optimistic about the future.
- Stop spending too much time in front of screens, it’s bad for your health!
- Too much technology will make us like robots.
- I don’t want any coffee. : I have already have one.
- “Much hope and little concern” appears to be the teenagers ‘motto about the future.
III Translate into English: /5 points
- Nous aurons moins de temps pour des plaisirs* (pleasures) simples.
We will have less time for simple pleasures.
- La plupart des gens pensent que nous n’utiliserons plus de voiture à essence.
Most people believe we won’t use anymore gasoline-powered cars.
- Une grande majorité pense que nous ne pourrons pas guérir les maladies mortelles.
A large majority thinks we won’t be able to cure deadly diseases.
- 75% des gens pensent que grâce à la technologie, nous pourrons nettoyer les océans.
75% of people believe thanks to technology, we will be able to clean the oceans.
- Quand j’aurai 50 ans, je devrai utiliser une voiture volante.
When I am fifty, I will have to use a flying car.
IV Now, describe your house of the future, what do you think it will be like ? Use new vocabulary and structures!!!! / 10 points
My futuristic house will be ecological and smart. It will be built with wood and natural materials, surrounded by a pretty domestic garden giving me fresh vegetables and fruits.
To solve energy problems, my sweet home will consume just a little water and it will be heated by solar cells. I expect it to make me save money and take into account global issues like the end of an economy based on cheap petrol.
For the same reasons, my house of the future will be interactive, with a central computer controlling doors and windows opening, electric lights, all the kitchen equipments …
Anything in this house will be voice-activated to aim at my personal comfort and security.
But I won’t have screens everywhere, because I don’t want to live in Montags’ home?(Fahrenheit 451 of Ray Bradbury)
V Mes compétences linguistiques
- Ecoute et écris les mots. Donne une traduction en français /5
A desktop computer | Un ordinateur de bureau |
A screen | Un écran |
A smart home | Une maison intelligente |
Global issues | Les problèmes mondiaux |
The youth | Les jeunes |
To unplug | débrancher |
Electronics | L’électronique |
A flying car | Une voiture volante |
World hunger | La faim dans le monde |
though | Bien que |