Isle Of Man - texte en anglais
Dissertation : Isle Of Man - texte en anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar salutcmoi • 4 Mars 2013 • 287 Mots (2 Pages) • 912 Vues
Isle of Man is a formed British territory of a principal island and some small islands located at sea of Ireland, in the center of British Isles. The island of Man forms a dependence of the British Crown, the island belongs neither to the United Kingdom nor with the European Union but raises directly of the property of the British sovereign, currently the Queen Elizabeth II, who acts as quality of Lord of Man. This statute does not make of it however a State found independent but this one has a broad political autonomy and economic
The island of Man is a Celtic ground since the protohistory, then becomes a kingdom Viking with the Middle Ages, subjected to the Anglo-Saxon influence. The Scandinavian dominators founded there a political system based on the “free citizens” and organizing itself around Tynwald which would be the oldest Parliament under continuous operation of the world.
The island of Man forms today part of the six Celtic nations (with Ireland, Cornouailles, Brittany, Scotland and Wales) recognized by the Celtic Congress and the Celtic League.
The island of Man is located in the Irish Sea, at equal distance from the coasts of Ireland, England and Scotland. The island of Man is relatively large (572 km2, 53 km length on 21 broad) but relatively low with 621 m of maximum altitude