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La conquête du monde au 16e siècle (texte en anglais)

Rapports de Stage : La conquête du monde au 16e siècle (texte en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  16 Mars 2015  •  622 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 126 Vues

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Spice trade in Europe during the 16th Century played a crucial role in the advancement of Western Europe and the colonization of the New World. Spices like Cloves, Nutmeg, Cinnamon and ginger were known to the Eastern people (Asia) and the Southerners (Africa) long before before the Age of Exploration, but soon became very valuable items of the markets early in the development of trade. The importance of spice trade is that it has gotten us to where we are today. It may seem like such a small thing but without Spice Trade we wouldn’t have been able to discover the rest of the world.

The first ever record of spice was most likely started in Asia or to be more specific the Assyrian Empire. The spices were used for religious purposes, it was said that the Gods drank sesame wine before they created the earth. The utilization of sesame as a food flavoring is so old and popular that its’ origins can not be properly traced. Though genetical proof has shown that origins have led to the subcontinent of India. Consequentially, the Assyrian legend depicts the first historical evidence of spice trade before the Europeans. After the descent of the Mongol Empire (which had indadvertedly protected the European trade routes) and the ascent of the Ottoman Empire, Europe had successfully become obstructed from the spice and silk trade routes.

In the 15th century, Venice was in a very influential position in the spice trading business with the Easterners. To be able to severe the Venetians close monopoly, other countries started sending out explorers to the seas to find new sources of spices and other goods. This was era was called the Age of Exploration and Discovery since it led to the finding of entire civilizations and cultures. A lot of the European explorers were mostly out for natural resources like precious metals and riches like jewelry. But whilst they searched for the metals and jewels they mapped out the important trade routes for silk and spices. But there were hardly any doubts because the best of the best explorers were hired for the job, but the same could not be said about the crew seeing as how they were practically kidnapped of the streets for the job. Ship voyaging was very big in the trading business as the ships are what brought the spices and goods.

Christopher Columbus, in his early twenties worked as a trading apprentice for a lot of very big and influential families. His work/studies took on many ship voyages from Iceland to Africa. He was one of many explorers who discovered the New World. But Columbus had never planned on finding the Americas, he was actually trying to figure out a way to get to the East and it’s spices through a western route. Another example would be Ferdinand Magellan, he was trying to reach the East through a western route. He passed through a strait which would soon be named after him until he reached the spice islands. But unfortunately for Magellan he died during a battle between the locals.

Spice trade has played a very important role throughout the ages because without it we wouldn’t have what we have. More than half the world would be oblivious towards each other and we would not have a lot of accessibility to a various amount of items. We have it easy compared to the people in the 16th century. We can just go to the supermarket and purchase our spices, whereas back then men had to set out to sea for more than 4 months just


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