- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Le lancement d'une campagne

Dissertation : Le lancement d'une campagne. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  15 Juin 2017  •  Dissertation  •  1 024 Mots (5 Pages)  •  550 Vues

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        Identifiants : Stephane777 / mot de passe :Stephane777+

Adresse d’expediteur :

(en cas de problème avec un compte ou une demande de paiement crée un nouveau compte, si le site reconnaît votre id et vous dit que vous avez déjà un compte, lancer votre navigateur en mode “navigation privée”)

[pic 1]

Comment lancer une campagne :

  • Tout d’abord créer une liste de prospects : Aller dans “Lists” tout en haut puis “Create list” puis à nouveau “Create List” quand la fenêtre apparaît.

Entrez dans l’ordre 1) le nom de la liste (nom du salon) 2) l’adresse email qui sera affichée comme expeditrice 3) Le nom d’expediteur. 4) Cocher les 3 cases tout en bas et valider.

  • Remplir la liste : Une fois la précédente étape validée, 1) importez des contacts

[pic 2]

2) Sélectionnez l’option “Copy-Paste” puis “Next”

[pic 3]

3) Vous n’avez plus qu’à copier coller votre liste depuis la colonne Email de votre tableau après l’avoir vérifiée.

[pic 4]

4) Cochez “I understand” puis “Next”

5) Cochez “Subscribed” puis “Import”

Ta-da! Votre liste est prête !

  • Créer la campagne :

1) Aller dans “Campaigns” puis “Create Campaign”

2) Entrez le nom de la campagne (nom du salon) et sélectionnez “Regular”

3) Choisir la liste et “next”

4) Entrez le sujet “Partnership Whynot Trading/NomduSalon Année” puis “Next”

5) Utilisez un “saved template” [Pensez à changer le nom du salon du précédent template] ou créez un nouveau template à partir de Basic>1Column (Voir les informations en fin de tuto ci dessous pour créer votre propre template)

6)Une fois le template terminé, les informations vérifiées, “Next”

7) Vous arrivez sur la page de vérification, si tout est bon vous avez deux options : a)Faire un envoi direct et cliquer sur “send”

b)Programmer un envoi ultérieur et cliquez sur “Schedule” puis Selectionnez la date et l’heure puis validez “Schedule Campaign”

(s’il vous est dit que vous avez exploiter votre limite Mailchimp, créez un nouveau compte)

  • (Si jamais) Créer son template :

(essayez de retourner sur un ancien compte pour copier coller une campagne et gagner du temps)

Voici différents éléments afin de créer facilement un template.

[pic 5]

 It was a real pleasure to met you at “NOMDUSALON” go futher to a collaboration, we send you our enterprise’s and service’s introductions

We are specialized on private sale in France and worldwide.

With a 10 years experience in the field, we would put our experience to work for your business.


  • Why Not Trading is a distributor that opens to you the private sales market, working with a width partner’s and buyer’s networks. We can help your products to go through the amount of proposition barrier while making outdoor offers (associating your product within an offer with other products) and to work with more flexibility and ease online.
  • We are present throughout the world and allow you to open your market to export on multitude of platforms all over the world and to make your brand known with these massive views platforms. (Europe, Asia, North America / South, Africa, Oceania ...) This extension allows us to work with flexibility on the assembly of operations and give us a real sales force on large quantities and large areas in the medium-long scale.
  • You receive directly the unique address of the sales platform to deliver at the end of the operation, facilitating your logistics operations.
  • WHYNOT holds you informed day-to-day about the amount of product sold and pays you directly 80% of the sales from 24 to 72h after product deliveries to the customer, then 20% ​, 60 days after, to manage customer returns.
  • We work with you transparently and provide all informations about our sales, like the final selling price, we want to create strong links and long-term partnerships in a win-win aim.
  • Benefit from our experience as well as from our extensive network in the field of online sales (knowledge of the market and the providers) as well as our agency services to reduce your business and administrative charges. We manage the offers, the communication and the follow-up of the operation.


  • We ask you to lock a part of your stock for a short period during the negotiation phase with our customers and then while the products are  in sale (this time can be variable, generally over a week)
  • We work from your wholesale prices with a commission, depending on the specifics of the offer, which is an extremely affordable price compared to the services of a traditional agent.
  • The products that allows picking (one unit packaging) offer great market opportunities, which can be replaced by a return to factory method for repackaging, for example, Or unpacking.

If one of the points make some troubles, do not hesitate to contact us, there are always solutions that we can consider together.


  • WHYNOT is a company with a turnover of 3 million euros.
  • We operate with large offers regularly about 6000 pieces and beyond.
  • We have many long-standing partners, once an offer is in place, we propose a regular and progressive partnership on the long-term aim.

I invite you to discover our site and if you need any further information, feel free to contact us.

If you are interested, please send us an excel sheet with your products's

- stocks amount

-best prices


-code and color

-sizes LxDxW (cm) (for each product if they are several)

-weight (kg)



-volume (litters) (for each product if they are several)


Preferably for the products you have with stocks or that will be produces soon in the workshops and that you want to sell on the private sales online into a destock or a discount operation (with grossist prices).

Waiting for your return, we wish you a pleasant day



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