Cross cultural management
Fiche : Cross cultural management. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar ikramattahar • 16 Mars 2019 • Fiche • 781 Mots (4 Pages) • 706 Vues
Outline: what Is culture?
Are people born with their culture or they learn their culture
Culture is everything that people have, think, and do as members of their society (Ferraro 2002)
Acquired learning of a group that gives its members a sense of belonging, of how they should behave, and of what they should be doing; culture makes that group recognizably different
That complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and habits acquired by man as a member of society
A learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs, values and norms which affect the behavior of a large group of people
Culture is learned through: family, school….
Being given explanations of natural and social things
Culture is a set of shared interpretation: it’s something that we think
‘Culture is the software of the mind’
Cultures exist in the minds of people, not in extended tangible objects
Symbols, then, would mean the same thing in the same culture as they are shared
Layers of onion (Hofstede 2005) ‘values-rituals-heroes-symbols’
Iceberg (hall)
Beliefs: what’s true and false
Values: what’s good and what’s bad
Norms: what’s appropriate and inappropriate
When you do business with somebody from another culture there’s no obvious cuz everything is different
Our behavior is affected by our beliefs
People practice and preform their culture in their daily lives, this behavior is consistent with
Cultural involves large groups of people
Nation, country, state: a piece of land
Subculture: the different cultures within the same culture
Intercultural: between two different cultures
Cross-cultural: ex: studying people of different cultures
Transcultural: something that goes beyond cultures
Similarities among cultures:
Similar problems (resources allocation …)
Have stood the test of time (habits)
Most people think that their culture is normal and natural and make sense ( the culture becomes the norm)
Why are cultures different?
Different solutions to probably similar issues
Forces resulting in cultural differences:
History: wars, major events, historical leaders… ‘you have to know what people have been through….’
Ecology: weather conditions, water supply, geography of the area, scarcity of resources
Agriculture vs hunting; agriculture is more family oriented
Collectivism vs individualism (Hofstede)
Technology: tools, media, phones, computers… more individualism
Intracultural: inside the same culture
When do we consider an interaction intercultural: if the difference is significant enough for them that it creates dissimilar interpretations and expectations about what are regarded as competent communication behaviors (lustig and koester)
Session 3: aren’t they all the same
Elevator experiment
- Unexamined cultural identity:
- Cultural identity search
- Why are we different?
- Cultural identity achievement: I’m happy being…
- Ethnocentrism: having my culture in the center, and to think that everyone thinks the way you do
- Categorization (to simplify and manage the stimuli)
- Stereotyping (to simplify the characteristics of categories)
The view of things in which one’s group is the center of everything, and all others are scaled and rated with reference to it
I’m ikram
I enjoy reading
- All Moroccans are loud and messy
- All 20 years olds are careless and irresponsible
- All bookworms are smart and nerds
- All women are weak and inferior to men
- Confirmation bias
Session 4: what about companies?
Proverbs and cultures
Cultures and solving problems
Corporate culture
Culture is powerful, and it remains even when you try to change it
Every business, organization, team, etc. has its own culture
If culture is the collective personality
We can see different/similar personalities of organizations, teams, groups