Cultural crossing
Dissertation : Cultural crossing. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Prat Marie • 16 Octobre 2018 • Dissertation • 680 Mots (3 Pages) • 607 Vues
Cultural crossing
1) What are your most important takeaways from this video?
The most important thing I take away from this video is that Julia talked about the flying dead: it describes people who are travelling for a determine period and then set off and then land again for a short period and had no understanding of each places they travel. Instead of understanding the world they are traveling they are simply ghosts flying around: flying dead.
She also said that we all need cultural intelligence: the capacity of creating links and work between cultures and that later we will be promoting people for cultural intelligence
Another important subject is the core and flex values.
The core values describe the behaviors / values / beliefs you have and the things you are inflexible. Without them, you aren’t you.
The flex values are the ways you can adapt to others.
But Julia also said that too much core is not good: you can’t adapt to anybody, and too much flex is not good: nobody can trust you at all.
We experience our core and flex everyday by travelling and meeting new people that’s why she explains you can work on your core and flex you can chose to move this line.
2) Please think about your values. Find at least three examples for your personal core and flex values.
Core values:
> Respect: Respect is one of the most important core value for me. respect is a value everybody should have. having respect is to admit the idea that the others are different while being our equals.
> Fidelity: Fidelity is also one of my main core. In love or in friendship, it means for me to be present in the good moments but also when things get rough. When we like someone, we are faithful despite of the time which passes or the distance.
> Gratitude: To be grateful it is to recognize that we are indebted to somebody who helped us.
Flex values:
> Sensitivity: I’m not always sensitive to all the things around me. I can be sensitive in front of a bad movie but not in front of a real alarming situation.
> Sincerity: I can be flex about sincerity sometimes. When I don’t want to hurt someone, I can lie. For example, if someone ask me if I like his new pair of shoes and I don’t like it but I see that his so enthusiast about it, I will say that I love it!
> Sympathy: I’m always trying to be nice with everyone but depends on my mood I’m not always friendly with the people around me or with people that I don’t know.
3) Are there specific actions you would like to take with this specific knowledge? (please try to find a concrete, small step you would like to take)
We should accept that there are different cultures than ours. There are other applications in other countries that I have to learn.
It is my obligation to adapt me to the country in which I am and not the opposite.