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Wage inequality

Analyse sectorielle : Wage inequality. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  18 Novembre 2017  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  345 Mots (2 Pages)  •  532 Vues

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Wage inequality between men and women in China

Ladies and gentlemen, Mister the professor,

My name is Hugo de Jorna, I am 21 years old and I am currently student in Business in Southwestern University of Finance and Economics located in China. I am not an expert on the matter but today I would like to speak to you about a subject which concerns us all: the inequality between men and women especially concerning the wage inequality.

A report of the United Nations shows that in 2004, the women working in the manufacturing sector have, almost everywhere in the world, wages lower than their male counterparts independently of their age, their experiment and other factors. In the United Kingdom, their average wages are of 79 % of that of a blue-collar worker, in Japan of 60 %, in France of 78 %, Germany of 74 %.

In the developed countries, Scandinavia is characterized by it’s all relative equality since the workers gain 87 % as much as a man in Denmark or 91 % in Sweden. Among the most uneven countries, Botswana and Paraguay with 53 %. Among the countries where the inequality is reversed, are Switzerland (133 %) and Qatar (194 %).

More recent, a report ordered by the international Trade-union confederation shows that in 2008 the average deviation of the sixty-three listed countries is of 15.6 %. The wages of a woman are assembled on average to 84.8 % of that of a man. These statistics exclude the informal sector. OECD regularly publishes the data since year 2000 of the member countries.

The last publication was published on October 1st, 2017 and relates to the year 2015. The median wages of the women remain lower by 15% than that of the men on the zone of OECD and of 9.9% for France. The report is that the variation has not been reduced or more for several years.

We all are concerned with these wage inequalities some is our country.

And you, what you can do for reduce these wage inequalities in the future?

Thank you for your attention,


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