Development of countries, and within countries, causes social inequalities across the globe.
Guide pratique : Development of countries, and within countries, causes social inequalities across the globe.. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Maxence Ly • 16 Novembre 2016 • Guide pratique • 813 Mots (4 Pages) • 977 Vues
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Development of countries, and within countries, causes social inequality across the globe.
This essay will show how the development of some countries can cause social inequalities and see what or who is the liable for creating poverty when a little part of the population is more rich every day. Firstable, it will explain what are the different considerations and caracterisations of social inequalities to find who can be the cause of the poverty around the world, and try to make a definition to know about what we speak. After having examined that, this commentary will lay out the differences between a developed country and a least developed country with two concrete examples. That whole will help us to make the close link between the development of few countries and the under-development of the others across the globe.
The social inequality include a lot of criterions, like schooling-education, wealth and income of people, healthcare systems, political representation and participation aswell. So, the social inequality are the differences between each countries for each of these conditions. But, within countries, there are a lot of inequalitites too, with the same foundations. But there are two points of view when we have to blame something or someone for the poverty : Some peoples blame the poors and say that poors are responsible of their poverty, there is some evidence to support this theory. Their main argument is that poors are poor because of their lack of motivation to find a work, and they don't have the qualifications to find a work too. But the other point of view is the point of view of the peoples who are blaming the society for the inequalities, as a matter of fact, they said that poverty is created by the loss of jobs and there is not enough work, but it's a minority of people who think that. There are the two consideration when we talk about poverty.
Generally speaking, social inequality is the contrast between differents social statuts or position of people in the society, it's when there are inequal opportunities and chances to live decently.
To see the social differences, this essay will compare two countries, Austria and Afghanistan, one is a MEDC (most economically developed county) and the other is a LEDC (least economically developed country). It will review some social conditions in each of these countries. In a first time, the unemployment rate, in Austria in 2016, it was 8,2% of the active population while in Afghanistan in 2015 (the last survey), it was 40%, the fourth higher rate of the world. And the poverty rate go on the same way, 14,4% of the Austrian population is considered as poor, it's about 1,2 million of people, the main fact of the poverty in a MEDC like Austria is the lack of employment. In Afghanistan, there is a lack of employment, and, there are wars, natural diasters, political instabality etc, and the number of poors is far more higher, 36% of the population, or about 9 million people, lives in absolute, extreme poverty and another 37% lives just above or under the determined poverty line. The access to health and education is also very different, even if in Afghanistan, the number is improving contrary to the povertyrate, only 28,1% for use of improved sanitation facilities. In Austria, there are 266 hospital discharges for 1000 people.