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The Little Rock Nine Anniversary

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Par   •  9 Avril 2019  •  Dissertation  •  313 Mots (2 Pages)  •  517 Vues

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The Little Rock Nine Anniversary

1 March 2019, Dole, Lola Mariot

We are celebrating the Little Rock Nine anniversary. We are celebrating bravery or nine black pioneers. They risked their lives because they faced segregation in school. Many people were involved, like President Dwight D. Eisenhower, governor Orval Faunus and Martin Luther King.

In 1954 the US Supreme Court tasted the law of integration. It was tasted in Little Rock. In September 4 of 1957, nine black teens were chosen to go to school for the first time. The first day of school they were confronted with hostile crowds. Elizabeth Eckford is a girl who was one of the nine pioneers, she was being taunted as she walked throughout a hate-filled mob on her way to school. Also Carlotta Walls who was the youngest of nine, she was 14 years old at that time, was faced anger and violent behavior. She wanted the best education available to everyone. The governor of Arkansas ordered soldiers of the National Guard to bar their way into school so the nine pioneers couldn’t enter, because he was racist. When President Eisenhower knew it he called out troops of the 101st Airborne to protect the nine. Later nine pioneers were able normally to go to school. The nine pioneers and their families were threatened and disrespected. Also Martin Luther King met them and encouraged them to never give

up, he explained them that they don’t do it for themselves but for generations yet unborn.

These nine are heroes because of their courage. Even the Little Rock Nine faced verbal and physical assaults from white students they have never gave up. They stood up for themselves. These African Americans teens risked their own lives for freedom. Now thanks them everyone have equal access to education regardless of skin color.

Their ambition was so great that they were able to overcome hatred of people.


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