Oprah Winfrey little black girl who became the Psychic and Confident of America
Commentaire de texte : Oprah Winfrey little black girl who became the Psychic and Confident of America. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar t.roualec • 6 Mars 2021 • Commentaire de texte • 552 Mots (3 Pages) • 564 Vues
Oprah Winfrey little black girl who became the Psychic and Confident of America
Présentation : who is Oprah Winfrey ?
- Biographie
Oprah Gail Winfrey, née le 29 janvier 1954 à Kosciusko (Mississippi), est une animatrice et productrice américaine de télévision et de cinéma, actrice, critique littéraire et éditrice de magazines. Elle est surtout connue pour son talk show The Oprah Winfrey Show
Oprah Gail Winfrey, born January 29, 1954 in Kosciusko, is an American television and film host and producer, actress, literary critic and magazine editor. She is best known for her talk show The Oprah Winfrey Show
Development : What did she do ?
- Qu’est quelle a fait
En 1983, Oprah déménage à Chicago pour présenter le programme de télévision AM Chicago sur WLS-TV. À son arrivée, le programme le moins regardé. Dans les mois suivants, l'émission parvient a devenir, le talk show le plus suivi à Chicago.
In 1983, Oprah moved to Chicago to host the AM Chicago television program on WLS-TV. at the beginning, the least watched program. later, the show became the most followed talk show in Chicago.
Conclusion : his influence ?
- Les conséquences des actes d’Oprah
Oprah Winfrey est qualifiée de « femme la plus puissante au monde » par CNN et Time.com,
À la fin du XXe siècle, Life a classé Oprah Winfrey en tant que la femme la plus influente et la personne noire la plus influente de sa génération. Le magazine l’a nommée aussi la femme la plus puissante d’Amérique. Ladies Home Journal a également classé Oprah Winfrey numéro un dans leur liste des femmes les plus puissantes en Amérique et le sénateur Barack Obama a dit qu'elle était peut-être la femme la plus influente dans le pays
Oprah Winfrey has been called "the most powerful woman in the world" by CNN and Time.com,
At the end of the 20th century, Life ranked Oprah Winfrey as the most influential woman and the most influential black person of her generation. The magazine also named her the most powerful woman in America. Ladies Home Journal also ranked Oprah Winfrey number one in their list of the most powerful women in America and Senator Barack Obama said she was perhaps the most influential woman in the country.
Oprah Winfrey little black girl who became the Psychic and Confident of America
Présentation :
- who is Oprah Winfrey ?
Oprah Gail Winfrey, born January 29 (twenty-nine), in 1954 (nineteen, fifty-four) in Kosciusko, is an American television and film host and producer, actress, literary critic and magazine editor. She is best known for her talk show The Oprah Winfrey Show
Development :
- What did she do ?
In 1983 (nineteen, eighty-three), Oprah moved to Chicago to host the AM Chicago television program. At the beginning, the least watched program. later, the show became the most followed talk show in Chicago.
Conclusion :
- His influence ?
Oprah Winfrey has been called "the most powerful woman in the world" by CNN and Time,