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The little mermaid controversy.

TD : The little mermaid controversy.. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  30 Décembre 2022  •  TD  •  480 Mots (2 Pages)  •  365 Vues

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Hello everyone, today I'm going to tell you about a subject that is not even supposed to exist. Just thinking about it makes me nervous.

And my topic is The little mermaid controversy. You have surely seen this on Tiktok, in the newspapers, in the comments of the trailer of the little mermaid even on Tweeter with the hashtag #NotMyAriel. Yeah, some people are frustrated that Ariel is played by a black woman. It's quite surprising… However, I want to show all of you why it is possible to put a woman of color in the role of Ariel and why Halle Bailey is such a good actress for this. And to support what I'm saying I'm going to use some of the arguments of the haters, that's what I'll call them.

Lot of people saying that Ariel was Danish, it turns out that she was not and that she had no nationality at all. I mean what do you expect, it's a fish. This myth comes from the fact that the author Hans Christian Andersen was himself Danish and a confusion was created.Also for those who say that the story of the Little Mermaid takes place in northern Europe, well, in reality, the cartoon never clearly locate where all this happens. It doesn't look very European either…

Moreover the crab Sebastian makes reggae and calypso, we can ask ourselves if all this is not in the Caribbean.

I have often seen haters talk about changing the ethnicity of a princess from a minority community. But this would not make sense anymore, let's take Pocahontas as an example… She is a character who really existed, is Amerindian and this is important in the story. Making her a Swede does not really make sense! In this case, in fact, its her whole adventure that must be changed by placing her elsewhere and telling something else. On the other hand, Ariel is an imaginary creature whose location in the story has never been defined. It can take place anywhere, as long as there are the main elements.The 1989 Disney film incorporated Mediterranean and Caribbean influences and changed the heroine's hair color from blonde to red for technical reasons.

Halle has a ethereal essence, ethereal essence is a type of face which looks slightly uncanny. Theres something otherworldly about them. One of the things which very often creates this ethereal effect is wide set eyes, which you can see on Halle here. You can see the sharpness in her features like those high cheekbones, that pointed chin and this makes her perfect to play character who is trying to look human. But Halle doesn't have pure ethereal essence she also has ingenue. Ingenues are the sweet, youthful looking features. You know... That short face, lush lips, soft nose and this help to convey ariel’s innocence and naivety. Then that Halle Bailey has a very beautiful crystalline voice


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