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Strategie de realisation mondial

Analyse sectorielle : Strategie de realisation mondial. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  27 Mai 2014  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  271 Mots (2 Pages)  •  687 Vues

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The testicle (from Latin testiculus, diminutive of testis, meaning "witness" of virility,[1] plural testes) is the male gonad in animals. Like the ovaries to which they are homologous, testes are components of both the reproductive system and the endocrine system. The primary functions of the testes are to produce sperm (spermatogenesis) and to produce androgens, primarily testosterone.

Both functions of the testicle are influenced by gonadotropic hormones produced by the anterior pituitary. Luteinizing hormone (LH) results in testosterone release. The presence of both testosterone and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is needed to support spermatogenesis. It has also been shown in animal studies that if testes are exposed to either too high or too low levels of estrogens (such as estradiol; E2) spermatogenesis can be disrupted to such an extent that the animals become infertile.[2]

Contents [hide]

1 Structure

1.1 External appearance

1.2 Internal structure

1.2.1 Duct system

1.2.2 Primary cell types

1.2.3 Blood supply and lymphatic drainage

1.2.4 Layers

1.2.5 The blood–testis barrier

1.3 Temperature regulation

1.3.1 Cremasteric muscle

1.4 Development

1.4.1 Embryonic

1.4.2 Pubertal

2 Evolution

2.1 External testes

2.2 Testicular size

3 Clinical significance

3.1 Protection and injury

3.2 Diseases and conditions that affect the testes

3.3 Effects of exogenous hormones

4 Society and culture

5 History

5.1 Etymology

6 Gallery

7 See also

8 Notes


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