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Science po etude doc

Compte Rendu : Science po etude doc. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  1 Juin 2014  •  206 Mots (1 Pages)  •  1 118 Vues

Who takes the harshest anti-welfare line ? Those on state benefits

Explain a thatcherite every-man-for-himself mentality

It is a frame of mind embraced by a gathering of individual who puts at forefront their own welfare and are against the creation of an entitlement society. The people who are seeking for aid are harshly criticized, they are shown responsible for their loss of money

Why did the columnist contemplate having the relatively low statistics for fraud tattoed

on her face ?

A large majority of interviewees are used to grievously deplore the benefits suppresions that directly affect them. Therefore they are looking for someone to blame for that. The scapegoats which are frequently accused are the “ fraudulents disability living allowance claimants” they embody the source of disorder of the welfare system. which is completely wrong according to the low statistics for fraud.


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