Synthèse personnelle TPE bac de frnaçais 1ère
Dissertation : Synthèse personnelle TPE bac de frnaçais 1ère. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar sixtinech • 23 Février 2019 • Dissertation • 2 452 Mots (10 Pages) • 636 Vues
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Classe, lycée
The subjects concerned : physics and mathematics
The topic : Buoyancy and ricochets
The problematic : Why a solid does not systematically run on a liquid ?
My group : names
My group and myself decided to present our TPE about buoyancy as well as the phenomenon of ricochets to answer to the question : Why a solid does not systematically run on a liquid ?
As concern the choosen subject, we were looking which was our common interest in science. We noticed that physics was a track that would pleased to the whole group. We helped ourselves with research axes provided by our teachers. One subject particularly inspired us: Adherence and collage. So, we meet eachotherto share our ideas, and to gather them for finally provide with this : we talked about forces, rebounds, circuits of crouse etc. At the beginning our thoughts were very blurry and we had several problematics like "How can a substance adhere two materials? "Why is a car pulled out in a turning? How do magnets attract each other? ". Among all these issues, we asked ourselves : "Why are some rocks able to bounce off the water? How to explain the ricochets? ». That's when and how the idea grew up. Our problem with ricochets evolved and then became more general : "Why does not a solid flow systematically on a liquid? ". To answer this problem, just talking about ricochets was not enough. It was also essential to talk about what allows a boat to stay on the surface of the water without sinking, what allows the human being to lie down on the water in his swimming pool and to float. New hypotheses then appeared. Furthermorew, this phenomenon is accessible to anyone because everybody already tried to do it once. For my part, being a child I tried few times to do a ricochet but I failed so this is even more exciting to know how to succeed them. Our subject was about to take shape. Step by step, this matter became the heart of our TPE.
Then, the choice of the members of our group was easier. Indeed with Marion we decided to gather because we get along very well and we appreciate the same things. Then Martin and Loran are also two friends who missed two partners to complete their group. Marion already knew the two boys, so decided to get together all four. We quickly exchanged on our expectations of this TPE, topics that we liked. Therefore, we noticed a very good agreement within the group. I knew neither Martin nor Loran before so I discovered their qualities, their abilities and their way of working over the sessions.
As for our organization, it has been variable. At the beginning of the sessions, working in a group seemed to us to be essential in order to gather our ideas, make them mature, give our opinion on the subject of our TPE, decide our final production and be aware of the decisions of the team. During several sessions we worked together.[pic 1]
Then when the expectations of the group were clear, we divided the tasks to be more effective. Marion and I were looking for the shape of our final production while the guys were researching our subject. With Marion we were also looking for all the possible hypotheses to answer to our subject which was : so for an item does not flow systematically on a liquid, it is necessary that :
- it has to be sent at a specific speed and angle, and that the item looks like the "perfect stone" so that it can ricochet on the water.
- that he has to respect the conditions to undergo Archimedean thrust
Then Marion and Martin took care of an experiment to support one of our hypotheses. The work was well distributed in the group. My main role was to research and consolidate our knowledge on this topic to prepare our oral. Of course I was helped by my group to put our words in shape.
For our research we were mainly informed by our teachers who supervised us at the CDI: Mr. Sunyach, Deputy Director of the Lycée, Mrs. Lopez, professor of SVT ... Then we completed our information through research on the internet. Sometimes I found information that seemed outlandish or that did not seem clear to me on the internet so I asked the help of teachers to better understand and deepen.
Then, our research led to the answer of our problematic and verified our hypotheses. Indeed an item does not flow systematically in the liquid if it respects the conditions of the law of the Archimedean thrust. It opposes the force of gravity and pushes any item to rise vertically to the surface. An item will float if its weight is less than the weight of the displaced fluid. Otherwise there is another phenomenon in which an ideal roller (which depends on its shape, its mass, its composition) is launched on the surface of a liquid at an inclination of 20 degrees at a speed powerful enough for it to rebound. on the liquid as many times as possible. The ricochets therefore allow the rollers to be in contact with a liquid without necessarily flowing.
This TPE helps me first of all to being apart of a group, having my tasks, helping my parteners. It aslo allows me being helped and to accept that. I had to give my ideas and my opinion and continue to be positive even if the rest of the group did not take my ideas. Indeed within a group, everybody participate to give ideas but we can’t select all of them. Later being in group allows us to do a quality work. Aslo we had to work on a subject chosen by us so that we like, thus we were more efficient and motivated. We worked for few months on this project, we did many researches and it took a long time to make it grow. So I’m more excited and stressed in the time for waiting for the final result. Thanks to TPE, I become more patient and relaxed.
During the TPE, we met few difficulties. For exemple, in a group you must listen to everybody and to take decisions with the agreement of everyone. Then It was complicated to find out the true and verified informations among all the informations that we found.
Eventually, TPE were a great experience for my part. It allows me to show me how look like work in team like in a company, where everyone has their tasks but has aslo to share their qualities. I identified the difficulties and also the advantages of this organization. I know that I will have to, when I will start working, be part of a work team and know I’m prepared to this.
Nom Prénom
Classe, Lycée
Les matières concernées : physiques et mathématiques
Le sujet : la poussée d’Archimède et les ricochets
La problématique : Pourquoi un solide ne coule-t-il pas systématiquement sur un liquide ?
Mon groupe : Noms
Mon groupe et moi-même avons décidé de présenter notre TPE sur la poussée d’Archimède ainsi que le phénomène des ricochets pour répondre à la problématique suivante : Pourquoi un solide ne coule-t-il pas systématiquement sur un liquide ?