Oral tache finale écologie
Thèse : Oral tache finale écologie. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Axel Michaux • 25 Octobre 2020 • Thèse • 525 Mots (3 Pages) • 512 Vues
Hello we are from the extinction rebellion movement. We come to awareness you about our planet and the environment.
Our movement start in the UK and now is present in all of the world.
We make some actions, events and meetings to denounce a lot of environment emergencies.
Today our planet situation is incredibly alarming because the humanity has polluted the oceans, the rivers, the grounds and the air. So we can say than we pollute everything on our planet.
Some surveys show the problem of the decline of wild species. Indeed the living planet index displays a collapse of 68 % of our biodiversity since 1970. The 6th massive extinction has already started. We know that the global temperature has already been increase by 2°C. This year this has accented the severity of the fires especially in California and Australia, the flood in India, the tempests and the heat waves all around the world.
A lot of living beings die from the global warming, the human activities and pollution. Some of them lost their living space and their food source. Furthermore our oceans are extremely polluted by our plastics wastes. That’s why we are speaking for some years about a potential 6th continent which was showed by some summit. On one hand this plastic is killing a lot of sea creatures like the turtles. And on the other hand we have discovered that the plastic break down is dispersing some dangered micro particle.
Worldwide we have also the issue of the extinction of many pollinating insects like the bees. But they are essential for our farming.
Water is also essential for our life but the water access is unequal around the world. Some States have a water deficit or scarcity. For example California must tackle each year a high water shortage but this problem is happened now worldwide causes by the global warming.
For some decades we know that greenhouse gazes, which are responsible of the most part of the global warming, are produced by a lot of our activities. The first emission of greenhouse gazes is our transport system, especially our cars.
Industries pollute also the air and the rivers to make our fashionable products. So we need to be aware that we waste some resources by our overconsumption of these products.
But with our actual society can we really change our habits to save the future of our environment ?
Although our society is threatened by itself, you can act alone. Indeed you can adapt your consumption to reduce your quantity of wastes and the industries will less pollute. To preserve the water, you can water your garden by using rainwater from rainwater collector. When you need to go somewhere, please use an environmentally friendly transportation for your trip and privilege the public transports like the subway, the bus or the bike. Choose organic products and bulk to cook because it’s less polluting and preserves our wildlife.
So it’s time to wake and it start with you. By changing our lifestyle we will create a new society which will be more respectful of the environment and our future.
If you want to help