Are humans more intelligent than animals?
Dissertation : Are humans more intelligent than animals?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Dong Keon KIM • 23 Mai 2019 • Dissertation • 980 Mots (4 Pages) • 518 Vues
Are humans more intelligent than animals?
- Humans ARE animals
Humans believing they must somehow separate themselves from nature by raping the land, taking what they want, and giving little to nothing back is what is making this world a complete state of chaos. We are animals, but if you're asking if other animals are smarter than humans I would have to say yes. Other animals can communicate and love and learn just as we can, the only thing that makes us special is that we act as a virus; working together to slowly destroy our host (this earth and clearly the life upon it.) Humans are the only animal in the world that seems heart set on destroying the whole planet over this preproposal notion that we need MORE. Greed is the core of the human heart nowadays and our media only works to embed that into our feeble minds. Is our toxic air and water and poison we feed our children and our outlook on the future so much better than it was when humans were living off the land? I think not, but then again with all the idiot humans in the world I'll have somehow all butt hurt about this comment and wanting to change my opinion because we LOVE to tell ourselves how smart we are and how we're the best when we all need to take a step back and see all the horrible things we have done to this planet and ourselves. Everything is connected, if we don't learn that sooner then we will destroy ourselves. If we were so intelligent wouldn't we being doing more good in the world instead of creating problems which leads to "solutions" that only seem to create more problems. You cannot treat a disease by resolving symptoms of it; you must find the ROOT of the problem first.
- Animals are surely smarter than humans
What is the definition of smart?
Having or showing a quick-witted intelligence
Intelligence and smartness depend on many things. Lions can kill prey effectively, efficiently and intelligently. That is smartness. Humans may have the logic or supposed smartness but does that increase our survival, does that help us? OF COURSE NOT. We are destroying ourselves and the world. Is that intelligence? No. That is foolhardiness, complete stupidity. Animals don't do things like that and have no avarice and are self-sufficient. They don't go about polluting the earth. They don't lead to a mass extinction as we did in Holocene.
Thus, animals are surely smarter than us but we with our rash, impulsive foolishness have suppressed their intelligence and made them stupid.
Humans are earth's dominant species. We are able to out compete any animal in any given environment due to our ability to adapt and general understanding of the environment and the animals within it (which other animals don't).
If we had the complex of our primitive wild brethren then we wouldn't even have the conscious to stop trying to expand and eventually out compete every animal on the planet to 11-extinction like other animals do to each other naturally. The fact that humans even have empathy for other inferior animals shows that we have an understanding of life and death that other animals do not have capacity to understand. Animals do not care or try to understand other species and do not care if other species go extinct as some species such as the beaver destroy environments all the time.