Discours : Procrastination. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar Tiziana Nikundana • 23 Novembre 2020 • Discours • 422 Mots (2 Pages) • 655 Vues
Ne sentirons-nous jamais que le ridicule des autres?
«The term procrastination appeared in the 15th century. It is derived from the Latin procrastinatio , (pro = forward, and crastinus = tomorrow ). Procrastination is the tendency to postpone decisions. To put it simply, it's " pathological tendency to differ, to postpone action until tomorrow. So wat is the the cause of procrastination?
The procrastination is a feeling that we push back what we have to do the next day, and we fall in a vicious circle.They are many cause of the procrastination, for example the fear of failure. Sometimes when we that didn’t know how to do our works or tasks and afraid to oing the wrong things so we didn’t start. But the problem is that this phenomenon increases over time. The longer we wait, the more difficult the task seems to us, and the more we want to push back.
Therfore we can compar the procrasstination to a voyce inside our heads, when we want to do omething thsvoice tell us that we can do it an another time “You can do it tommorow ,you still have a lot of time…”
And wen the dealine appraoches we start to panic
In conclusion it i eay to be sometimes pocrastinteur but whe it is frequent it will be more trublesome et on croule sur de tonnes e travail. Par cnsquent on arrive p utiliser tout notre potentiel et on obtient un travi baclé.
Online school is more difficult than offline, education is weak, it is difficult for the student to understand the lecon and they can’t ask the teacher or their classmate, but be aware that all the explanations are in the video or the slides and this is most often confusing.
Secondly, when we have homework or a project, it is very easy to get distracted and sometimes we do it when the deadline is close or we delay it.
And the last parents who cannot afford to stay at home or who do not understand what their children are studying and cannot help them. In this state, if the parents are not involved or do not pay attention to the studies of their children, the child cannot make his statements or do it when he wishes.
For all these reasons, I think that we should go to school in September and I also know that we are in crisis, but if all the students can respect the health safety measures, it will be good.