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Fiche : MAnagement. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  11 Novembre 2015  •  Fiche  •  538 Mots (3 Pages)  •  687 Vues

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Présentateur (1) : Hello, we are here tonight on the set "nom du plateau" to meet a family and her/his girl/boy "nom de la fille/garçon ". He/She is addicted to the social networks. Well, what can you tell us about (nom de l’enfant) on the social networks?

Les parents : It all started in college, "name of child" has become addicted to social networks. He / she then asked for Snapchat and Instagram, (nous avons céder très vite) thinking he / she does not ask others. But as and when he / she has asked Twitter and Facebook, and others that follow uninteresting.

Présentateur (2) : This will he minds he spends almost all his/her time in front of it with her friends ?

Les parents : I am against the social networks because It bothers me a lot, because he/she does not go out a lot with her/his friends, he/she has no social life is now all the virtual…

Présentateur (1) : What is your opinion (nom de l’enfant) ? How do you feel about this ? And How much time do you spend ?

L’enfant : I think social networks could be great if we paid attention. At the begining I wanted to do like others to talk with them and follow my favourite celebrities, (l’actualité quoi) But (au fur et à mesure) it became a drug for me I confess. I spend most of my time.

La psychologue : Social networks such as Facebook or Twitter take place in adolescents. There may be some positive aspect as being able to talk with family or friends around the world with Viber, makes good virtual friends on twitter . But there are negatif aspect like loosing their social life, become addict or make bad encounter.. This is why you should slowly with social networks.

L’enfant : That’s exacIy what I think even if I love social networks because you can know the life of everyone, what they do, what they think ….

Présentateur (2) : I cut you a minute… (nom de l’enfant), social networks for you that’s where we see the news, but you do not think you see everything about you ? All your life ?

L’enfant : Yeah but I do not post much about me, I prefer to look what peoples are doing.

Les parents : However my son / daughter looks and read at many things but the problem is that it has taken an important place in his life, I’m afraid with what it could be happen later .

La psychologue : I agree with you it could be dangerous , When you start to put it after the social networks become our worst and our best friends. We can becomes "addict" and it is dependent. Fortunately (child's name) is not at this stage!

Présentateur (2) : You can do so many things now with a computer, but we must be careful. Well, this is the end of the interview, thanks you so much to taking time to answer to us !


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