“Knowledge without justice ought to be called cunning rather than wisdom.”
Thèse : “Knowledge without justice ought to be called cunning rather than wisdom.”. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar Ibrahim Kini • 20 Juin 2018 • Thèse • 902 Mots (4 Pages) • 3 686 Vues
“Knowledge without justice ought to be called cunning rather than wisdom.”
The complete definition of knowledge varies widely from an individual to another as well as depending on the area of interest it is encompassed in. What could be considered as true justified knowledge in a particular domain may perhaps not be given the same amount of approval in others or none at all. The diversity in the method of differentiation between correct and false information stands as a major contributor for that variation. Yet, there are some points in common that we can find between its different forms. What is mutually agreed of in terms of what a proper knowledge should at least be, is a body of truth, information, principles acquired by humankind through past experiences or some form of education. It could either be the theoretical or the practical understanding of a particular subject.
We often hear statements such as “knowledge is power” and “an investment in knowledge always pays the best interest”, but, in reality, do you truly believe that all contribution bestowed by knowledge is automatically beneficial for the betterment of the populace as a whole?
The answer is simply NO.
although it is true that the lack of knowledge within a person can act as a deterrence throughout his existence, keeping him from reaching his potential greatness in life, its acquisition without the possession of upright human principles can arguably cause more harm than good. If academic learning is amassed just so someone can be prominent and renowned, the state of his mind is akin to a beggar that leeches off the riches. Armed with its hazardous side, intellectual people can do rather monumentally ill-advised things. But, while intelligence and knowledge can be put to a bad use, that does not necessitate that they are to be avoided. On the opposite, the state of life as it is today could not exist without their aid. However, what is inquired is the need of a proper addition, an accompaniment if you will, to this formula. And that’s where our moral values come to play; they moderate the more faulty, defective aspect and rightfully employ and maximize the benefit reaped from its use.
Let us start by human values. They are an essential part of any purposeful education. It’s both what we expect others to do to us and what we aim to give to other human beings. Only with these ethics paving the path to your impending future you could attain certain goals in life as without them, it would be challenging or downright unfeasible. One could never have too much values as the more you possess the merrier. Their list is excessively lengthy as it ranges from cooperation, dedication and gratitude to respect, passion and integrity and so on. But, due to the limit of the time at hand, I would like to emphasize on some particular ones rather than gloss over a huge chunk of them. What I consider as the principal virtues a person must exhibit are the following ____:
Compassion: To quote the physicist Weisskopf Victor:
“Human existence is based upon two pillars: Compassion and Knowledge. Compassion without knowledge is ineffective; knowledge without compassion is inhuman.”
Compassion is the deep awareness of the suffering of others combined with the wish to relieve it. Coupled with the knowledge to do so, we as a race were able to achieve many great and things and are still doing so. What could be considered now as a given was hard to come by or downright impossible in the past without our inventions and innovations that were made possible by the harmonization of these two concepts. To what else could we attribute all the effort put for the advancement of medicine and its different branches.