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Idea of progress: why is India said to be a country of contradiction?

Dissertation : Idea of progress: why is India said to be a country of contradiction?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  28 Mai 2017  •  Dissertation  •  479 Mots (2 Pages)  •  3 363 Vues

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                                                   Synthèse :

Idea of Progress :

Intro :

I’m going to talk about the notion Idea of progress. First, Idea of progress can be defined as a development or a change like a social, technical or scientific advanced. Let’s talk about India, in this country, the idea of progress is opposed to the difficulty of life and inequalities. So we will ask why is india said to be a country of contradiction ? To answer to that, we will first talk about the inequality in the society, then between men and woman and finally the evolution of India.

Développement :

1) So first, in India, there are a caste system, this is a separation between citizens, that divided the population in 4 social classes. At the bottom, there are the dalits (or untouchables), indian can’t touch them, because they are qualifed of impure, unworthy. They can’t circulate the night in the city, they just can have pets as property and live in an incredible poverty.The cast system is very oppresive, and nobody are on an equal footing. There are also a huge gap between rich and poor, in a same city like new delhi, we can see luxury buildings and right next we can see beggars and slums. But now, a middle class is growing up in India with about three hundred millions of people.

2) Secondly, we see inequalities between men and woman, This is because of the india’s tradition dowry. The brid’s family have to give money to the husband’s family. Boys are financially more interesting than girls, that’s why the parents want always a boy as a new born. But they can’t find the baby’s sex before they born because this is illegal so girls are frequently murdered at birth, that’s the genderside. So there are a male domination in India. Men’s wage are very high compared to woman and they have more interesting posts.

3) Finally, we still can see an evolution in India society. Economically, there are a significant change. Socially, now, some woman have good jobs, they become breadwinners thanks to microcredit. India have also huge international company like Bollywood for movies or Tata for cars and communications.

And mentality has changed, some people get out of poverty. Womans are elected as minister or head of state. Finally, we can talk about the Bangalore, this is the fourth bigger technologic center in the world with about eight hundred research and development indian center.  

Conclusion :

In conclusion, India is a country of contradictions and also contrasts. On the one hand, we see poverty, cast, inequal situation, injustice. And on the other hand we see that India emerge, grow up, and some inequalities disappeared.

Also, India innovate and create new technologies for big improvment.

At last, we can then ask ourselves if in the future, India government will react to the cast system and evolve for giving more rights for the dalits ?


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