How to learn new language in short time
Dissertation : How to learn new language in short time. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Nadia Nsiri • 12 Janvier 2018 • Dissertation • 343 Mots (2 Pages) • 902 Vues
How to learn new language in short time
Starting a new language means learning new words, lots of them. Of course, many people mention bad memories about learning new vocabulary, so they quit before even getting started.
So today I’m going to show you few steps to learn new language fast.
First of all you must know there is no short cut or magical trick, it just needs commitment
1- Study the language everyday:
Make it a habit to learn as much as u can so it becomes daily routine, not just for a couple of hours a week, .
2- Immersing yourself in a language:
It means doing all of the activities you would normally do in your native tongue, through your new language -- whether that's watching, reading, listening or writing.
Possibly the easiest thing to do is watching shows or movies, or even listening to music in the new language.
Besides, u can also try to read magazines or newspaper and looking up any words you don't understand in a dictionary. Also try to write a few simple things in the new language
3- Focusing on the Most Important Things
• Learn a few greeting words in the language before even learning the alphabet, this way when you do learn the alphabet you will already know some pretty basic words.
• Learn the alphabet of the language which can be helpful to read and pronounce words and memorize them.
• Learn basic vocabulary by focusing on the most common words, it is important because even if you don’t understand whole sentence, it can be helpful to understand the general meaning of speech or text.
• Learn to count in the new language step by step for instance, start to learn to count to ten.
4- Working on pronunciation
The best way to learn a new language is to speak it. However, pronunciation can be difficult to learn from a book. So here is some ways to work on pronunciation:
• Using interactive programs and applications on computer or phone.
• Chatting with native speakers.
• Trying to find a friend or colleague who speaks the language you wish to learn and who'd be willing to help you practice.