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How to do a presentation in English class

Guide pratique : How to do a presentation in English class. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  18 Septembre 2017  •  Guide pratique  •  451 Mots (2 Pages)  •  992 Vues

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Mercredi 21 septembre 2016.

How to do a presentation-5 step to a killer opener, YouTube.

Présentation : pas être nerveux..

  1) Feel safe, etre confiant .

  2) Credential ? on dit a l’audience ce qu’on va faire.

  3) Deliver the hook : i’m going to ….

  4) Power point…. Introduce your agenda (plan), slide.

  5) Give a credible statem ent.

Document : let’s lay down the law on asylum ‘illegals’.

Sneaking: sournois.

Soft touch : gentil.

Claim asylum,

Cf document.

Questions :

  1. In which ways do illegal immigrants try to sneak into britain ?

By the tunnel or by boats.

  1. Explain in your own words why they are not sent back ?

Because they are protected by the Geneva Refugee convention. They have a Statut and legals rights. It’s not illegal to be a refugees.

  1. Who can be classified as an Asylum seeker ?

Some people who escaped from war or poverty.

They are protected by the article 3 of the Geneva Refugee Convention.

  1. If they get refuge status what right scan they benefit from ?

Stay in a country for a long terms, legal rights etc.

 They can benefit from protection from persecutions.

The same rights than the Britains persons.

The Super Bowl :

The Super Bowl is the most watched sporting event on television in the United States, and one of the most watched sporting events in the world. Television uses the encounter to sell commercial advertisements at record prices: 5 million by ads. Super Bowl Day results in high consumption in the US including food; It is the second day after Thanksgiving.

The Super Bowl halftime show is a tradition. Edition after edition, it became an artistic event in the sporting event. He contributes to the very important televised hearings before the meeting. ‘’Before the 1980s, the half-time show is created around a theme and is most often performed by a fanfare” → before the 1980 it was a fanfare show. In the 1990s, halftime shows became pop culture shows. To improve the interest of the viewers, the Super Bowl XXVII is a performance of Michael Jackson.

During the super bowl XLIX, there is a show of Katy Perry and In the United States, retransmission is provided by NBC. Advertisers must pay $ 4.5 million for 30 seconds of advertising during the Super Bowl, an increase of $ 500,000 over the amount requested by Fox last year.

An important event: Of the top ten audiences of all time in the US, half of them occurred at the Super Bowls.

The National Football League estimates that the organization of the Super Bowl brings at least $ 600 million in economic spin-offs to the town organizing the event. The average cost of a Super Bowl experience is estimated at $ 6,337 per spectator.


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