How can an ordinary person makes the world a better place?
Fiche : How can an ordinary person makes the world a better place?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar chicuare • 5 Novembre 2019 • Fiche • 617 Mots (3 Pages) • 729 Vues
Hi, So today i m going to talk about How can an ordinary person makes the world a better place?
Firstly What’s an ordinary person., it is someone who follows the status. A person who does things that are accepted by society as they are supposed to be done . For example in most of the world
* One is born
* They go to school
* They graduate and get a job (nine to five)
* They get married
* They get children
* As they get older they plan for retirement
* Then they retire
What can be seen in an ordinary person is the lack of incentive to stand out. They usually do things as they have been done for years or as society requires them to do.
These ordinary persons have got a major impact on our world : some of them rescue us or even take care about us, also some of these persons protect us ;
Other ones take care of our planet englobing all the eco system and about what our world would look like in 50years.
All the firefighters, policemen and all these citizens that fight for the retablishment of peace and a good agreement between differnts etnies .
Lets take an heart touching example with the « malian savior » Mamadou GASSAMA, indeed this malian didnt have any papers or id documents on him during his « trip to france » . on a night while he was walking down the street mamadou gassama saw a little child hangig down on his balcony, without any help or protction mamdou climbed the buidling utill the fourth floor to help this child . every one appaluded him and to tkank him french president decided to give him french nationality.
For me this is a hero a ordinary erson who risked his life in order to save an other one . that is an hero.
Now let’s talk about an other feminist person Greta THUNBERG. She is only 16 years old but has a real impact on the envrionnemental world ; indeed she fights for the climat change. She called all students coming from every country to fight against the climate change . she is aslo known for her students strike fro climate. Now she s part of the ONU and gives speeches to the entire world in order to have a reaction from goverments.
Greta thunberg is quite a real hero for our world she is only 16 but fights against all the govements, she is an ordinary person but with her way of thinking, and her willingness she may be changing our world.
To end a major personality that impact the 21 first century , the election of a black american president : barack obama who fought for black rights during his mandate, he
Has done a lot of things in order to join the two major communities in the USA black and whie people, he inspired a lot of other country leaders with all his actions in order to consatly unify america, he was firstly an ordinary person that grew up untill beijng the leader of one of the biggest countries in the entire world :United States of America ; it is for every one a real example of leadingshi, he was alawys here to help people.
We can t consider him as a real hero of our society but he had so much impact on the world s future that he will be for every one an exampl all day long
To conclue,i could say that any ordinary person can be a hero . you just have to believe in a cause that marks you. Everyone is capable of this jst have to be you,