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Man Is Making The World Uncomfortable For Himself

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Par   •  16 Mai 2013  •  Fiche  •  888 Mots (4 Pages)  •  1 105 Vues

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Man Is Making The World Uncomfortable For Himself

“When man has made the world uncomfortable for himself insects will move in to occupy the surface of the world.”

It is a known fact that insects are the dominant life form on earth. Millions may exist in a single acre of land. About one million species have been described, and there may be as many as ten million that have yet to be identified. Of all creatures on earth, insects are the main consumers of plants. They also play a major role in the breakdown of plant and animal material and constitute a major food source for many other animals. When man has made the world uncomfortable to himself, insects will move in to occupy the surface of the world. Man’s actions such as pollution, deforestation and weapons of mass destruction will cause insects to occupy our planet.

Men are making the world uncomfortable through global deforestation. This has been a serious problem over the past decades. Governments and other environmental agencies around the world are trying their best to resolve this issue. But men’s activities such as road building, human caused fire, conversion to agriculture and other activities with the aim of developing our cities, towns and countries are causing the destruction of our forests. Research done by the University of Michigan published in 2010 showed that areas like Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, which used to have large forests, are losing them at a rapid rate. Also tropical forests in Latin America and Asia are reduced each year by 2 percent over the last century. The effects of deforestation are very harmful to our environment. Taking global warming as an example, trees and other plants, which will convert carbon dioxide released into oxygen for us to breathe, are decreasing and even in some areas are no more. This has caused these gases to lean the planet, leading to various climatic changes by making winter extremely cold, and summer extremely hot. Also deforestation causes agricultural loss. This is because the trees which would have induced more rain to enable farmers to water their crops has decreased drastically, and has affected their food production. This has also lead to higher prices of the less food produced by these farmers. Our actions are causing a lot to our environment and if care is not taken insects will take our place.

When the natural environment such as air, sea or ground is contaminated, it is called pollution. Chemical or energy substances such as gasoline or noise or heat are different forms of pollution. Noise is one form of pollution man is making through his activities. When a plane is taking off or landing, it makes a loud noise. People cannot stand noise. When somebody plays loud music, the neighbors cannot stand it either; thus, they may call the police. We can see that all these activities mentioned above are making the world uncomfortable for man, but these activities have no negative effect on insects like cicadas, katydicf, and crickets. They are singers. A single Cicada can produce over a hundred decibels noise; imagine when thousands of them sing together. They can occupy a noisy world while man cannot.

Another area that man is using to make the world uncomfortable is the creation of weapons of mass destruction. A weapon of mass destruction is a weapon that can kill or destroy a large


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