Exemple de dossier personnel llce
Fiche : Exemple de dossier personnel llce. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar mimiez5 • 17 Décembre 2020 • Fiche • 617 Mots (3 Pages) • 12 045 Vues
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« She was a big woman with massive upper arms that had dwarfed her eller din ples, but her head was surprisingly small on the end of her strong. corded neck t had once been a beautiful face It was still beutiful in a weird. reakous way. But the eyes bad taken on a strange. wandering cast and the lines has deepened crelly around the denying but oddly weak mouth. Her har which hud been almost all black a year ago, was now almost while.
The only way to kill sin. truc black sin, was to drown it in the blood of (she must be sacrificed)
a repentant heart. Surely God understood that, and had laid His finger upon her. Had not God Himself commanded Abraham to take his son Isaac up upon the mountain?
She shuffled out into the kitchen in her old and splayed slippers, and opened the kitchen utensil drawer. The knife they used for carving was long and sharp and arched in the middle from constant honing. She sat down on the high stool by the counter, found the sliver of whetstone in its small aluminum dish, and began to scrub it along the gleamingedge of the blade with the apathetic, fixated attention of the damned.»
sources and explanations :
This excerpt is taken from Carrie, written by Stephen King and published in 1974.
The story is about Carrie who is a girl living with her fanatical mother and who is harassed in high school. She also has the power of telekinesis, which makes her mother believe she is the devil and always punishes her. At the end of the year, Carrie is invited to the dance by her "friend" but that night, something terrible was about to happen...
Analysis :
The document illustrates the notion of horror because one is uncomfortable with the mother and her fanatical problems, she wants to sacrifice her daughter because of God and we can see that she's blinded by her insane toughts , one puts oneself in Carrie's shoes as she wants to assert and defend herself, but one is also afraid of what the mother might cause, in the name of religion, can a mother actually kill her child for her beliefs?
(voir email pour l'extrait)
sources and explanations :
1922 is a film directed by Zak Hilditch in 2017.
The film tells the story of a family living in a field and little by little the mother wants to go to live in town but her husband refuses, she asks for divorce but is killed and thrown into a well by her husband. After that the husband thinks he is haunted by his wife and believes she is there for revenge.
Analysis :
What is frightening in this passage is the atmosphere, it feels like danger can come from anyside, we feel vulnerable and the music accentuates this feeling and oppresses us all along, a feeling of guilt is felt in the man who feels observed and becomes nervous as we spectator.