Another girl
Dissertation : Another girl. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar L123456789UCIE • 25 Avril 2019 • Dissertation • 405 Mots (2 Pages) • 771 Vues
Another girl
Kavita was feeling guilty, and thought she was cursed. She felt as if she was failing her mission to Jasu, but the smile her baby gave her warmed her heart up.
Kavita and Jasu went to bed in a very silent night. Darkness had wrapped itself around the couple’s hut,… That night, Jasu and Kavita slept in separated beds. I was the first time in many years that they didn’t sleep together and the coldness of the dark night made the situation feel as if they were trapped in a nightmare.
Jasu said a brief and non-emotional « Good night » to his wife; Kavita answered with a small and shivering voice « goodnight »… In fact none of them was in a very talkative mood so they only got lost in their thoughts. They both had the impression it was the longest night ever.
In the night, Kavita couldn’t sleep and her sobbing, even if she tried not to show her emotions to much, was loud enough to wake Jasu up… He felt so bad, and only wanted one thing: to keep the girl. Only « it wouldn’t be a rational thing to do » he first thought…But then he kept on hearing his wife’s desperate « PLEASE… ».
He went out of the hut to think about it, madly pacing like an angry tiger. He was muttering to himself: « Isn’t it horrible to give or not a chance to live following one’s gender ?… Am I that monster?… Can I decide wether a baby -MY baby- should live or not ?… It isn’t something a Father should do. I must give a chance to this little girl. It is my DUTY!
Kavita was holding her beautiful baby girl and squeezing her against her chest to feel her perfect heartbeat, when she realized that all of that was meant to be; that this miracle was a gift from the gods and that her girl deserved to be fought for.
The morning rose and Kavita had taken the decision to keep her baby even against her husband’s will. She had heard about women in America, that were free and independant. Why should that freedom be denied to her ? A strong voice whispered in her heart telling her: « Fight for your beautiful girl! » .
She gathered her strength and was ready to pounce, when…she saw her husband standing still, with their tiny daughter warmly tucked in his strong arms.
His eyes were shiny, when he whispered: «Let’s keep her ».