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Why you should be pro-choice

Discours : Why you should be pro-choice. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertations

Par   •  23 Décembre 2020  •  Discours  •  508 Mots (3 Pages)  •  541 Vues

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First I would like to clarify something Pro choice is not “Pro death” like Pro life people like to say.It is not.The pro choice movement fights for the right of abort or not.Officialy abortion is legal in all 50 states of America,however States have the power to place many restrictions and regulations such as Health Clinics which makes abortion almost illegal.You know what argument i've never heard in a pro-life versus pro choice argument?What if the roles we're inversed?A pro-life woman is waiting a baby she would never ever abort right?But what if I made her the same way that you remove the right from other women.Taking away the option for you to keep your baby the same way it is done for other women.What would you do?Ruth Bader Ginsburd  once said:”A gender line helps to keep women not on a pedestal but in a cage “that is exactly what's happening   in this situation old white men choose if women can abort or not.Are they the one supporting pregnancy?No.Are they the one going through labor?No.If a women gets raped then get pregnant then is forced to keep the baby due to the society's pressure.She will live day by day seeing the result of this rape,every single day she will remember how he took her innocence away.Pro-life people would say at this moment:”put him in adoption”for him to end up in one of worst system of the world?When pro-life peoples says that foetuses can feel pain at eight weeks that is simply not true.Because the way pain is proceeded in the brain goes through three steps:skin receptors through the spinal cord and the cortex.The skin receptors on foetuses are not done until fifteen weeks,the spinal cord not until nineteen weeks and the cortex not until twenty four weeks.So that argument is not valid.Again if you want people to stop getting abortion you should support free contraceptives or Plan B.Studies from the Washington univerty have proven that free contraceptive helps to low the abortion rate.Pro life people like to use the argument that 99% of scientiststhinks that lives starts at conception which does in a cellular form not human life .When they say there is a potential of becoming an human being but it's like saying an eight year old is able to vote because he eventually will be an adult.Here is a scene that I imagined confronting Pro life & Pro Choice people.

Pro life:Abortion are Bad

Pro-Choice:The best way to end abortions without reforming education  or giving birth control pills for free is to perform mandatory vasectomies.That can be reversed as soon as you get married.

Pro-life:It is not okay

Pro-Choice:.What makes more sense take the bullet out of the gun or shoot freely and hope that everybody you shoot at has a bulletproof vest.Statistcally it makes more sense to require vasectomies.And for the most part they are reversible

Pro-life:But it's my body my choice

Pro-choice:Yeah ,you made it really apparent that you actually don't believe that.

See,the pro-life movement is setting the women rights movement back.


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