Cell phone’s technology: you should inform youself
Étude de cas : Cell phone’s technology: you should inform youself. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Samy Hocine • 30 Novembre 2017 • Étude de cas • 574 Mots (3 Pages) • 803 Vues
Cell phone’s technology: you should inform youself
Presented to
Carol Ann Hynes
Lilia Hocine
February 24th, 2014
Cégep Édouard Montpetit
Today, as never before, society pressures us to “stay connected” via telecommunications devices. No question that cell phones have become central to most people’s lives from texting friends to checking Facebook and Twitter to getting updates on the weather, news and sports. According to this, it is not a surprise if everybody uses cell phones. As a student, we should state some rules about this new technology. Actually, this technological dependence has become a handicap among students on three important aspects: socially, economically and physically.
At first, cell phone’s owner should be warned about the danger of daily use of their cell. Unlimited access to social network can be very dangerous for your health. Indeed, people get addicted to virtual life and commit unreflective actions as using their cell phones while driving. Unfortunately, while most drivers view cell phone use while driving as unacceptable, many of them still engage in it. Even if the law forbids those acts, there are actually a lot of contraventions given. Many people become increasingly addicted because they put more information online. By doing this, they feel coming off of certain social responsibilities and to gain some freedom of speech which helps to form a kind new life, a virtual life. For myself, I do not think it's a good idea to appear like that on the net because the information data lines are automatically placed into databases that cannot be trusted most of the time.
Likewise, recent research suggests that using cell phones so much can have a negative effect on your health. Cell phones can have as many as 10 times the amount of bacteria and germs as you would find in a bathroom! The germs on your phone can cause you nausea and stomach problems. Clean your phone with disinfectant wipes to keep it sanitary. Also, spending large amounts of time staring at your cell phone screen can make permanent damage to your eyes as blurry vision and cataracts. Injuries to distracted walkers have quadrupled since 2005[1]. Many of them due to people texting or playing games.
Finally, cell phones are not good for a small student’s budget. They cost a lot each month, it is about 45$ for a basic deal with an intelligent cell phone. If your mobile break or if you have any problem with it, it is a lot more expensive. If you had to change your phone and your contract is not over with the company, the costs are enormous. Also, the more you get addicted the more you add charging tips on your mobile which are not affordable.
In conclusion, students have to impose to their selves some rules to use wisely their cell phone on three important aspects: socially, economically and physically. They should get informed about dangers according to new technology. You should accommodate the using of your mobile to your health and your budget. For example, choose a economic plan that make your phone useful. Stay focused on what it is happening in front of you instead of giving all your concentration to your phone while walking for example, this can be very dangerous. Turn off your cell when you drive. In addition, don’t hesitate to communicate your opinion about this technology to your friends and family because it is very important to be aware that cell phone use is as beneficial as deadly.