This is England
Discours : This is England. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Imade Bouzana • 21 Décembre 2017 • Discours • 618 Mots (3 Pages) • 946 Vues
I welcome you sir and everyone who's present over here today we will make an analysis of the movie this is england a movie that reveals the real diversity of the english population class race and childhood,as we all know that historically british people were believed to be descended from the varied ethnic stocks, more recently the level of diversity of the population has increased significantly as a result of an increased number of new small and scattered multiple origin transnationally connected socioeconomically differentiated and legally stratified immigrants, this is england is an autobiograpical fim based on the childhood experiences of shaun that passes trough the conflicts between traditional and racist skinheads.
we will have to answer some questions related to space and race and in order to answer these question we will first of all explain the title then what the director want to point out though the movie .
the words of the title "this is england" are used in combo’s speech when he tries to convince woody and his group by manipulating them that forigners are the cause of the economic crisis and he points to the ground his heart then to his head while saying «this is england» each time
in the scene where combo invites his friends to his flat ,he discuses a taboo subject and he blames foreigners for coming to his country that the soldiers died for in world war 2 and still dying for in the folkslands to steal it’s richness by taking the english people’s jobs and houses he used the example of couples not finding flats while they’re being given to foreigners, he uses during the speech the word paki wich signifies someone from pakistanic origins
he also blames the Government's decision to declare war over the Falklands invasion.
he brainwashes shaun into thinking fighting immigration will make his father proud
the third scene is when combo and milky talk about milky’s family suddenly combo gets mad because milky had a good family and life overall and asks him «who’s a bad father to you»then he replies «a nigger» wich is very offensive and racist towards black people then combo proceds to hitting milky severely because he was jealous and because he denies the fact that a foreigner has a better life than his wich he considers sort of like an injustice because he doesn't deserves it .
the second scene is during a nationalist politcian speech when he encourages people in that meeting to vote for the national front by using xynophobia and white supermasic arguments when a member of combo team that was present in that meeting questions his ideology he kicks him out of the car and out of his group wich implies that combo really serious about it and believe in it to his core
forth scene is when combo comes back from prison and tells the story of the black abusive prison who always took his pudding wich is one of the contributing factor to him being racist as i already mentioned in the previous lesson the pudding is a metaphorical image of the country's richness
the director’s goal is to point out the racist and the xynophobic ideology that where spread in england and it being the consequence of thatcher’s policy for example he made the shopkeeper's language better than combo's who's a native speaker this paradox emphasises the fact that because someone's a foreigner he's bad at talking a certain language
representation of the institutions
school: in school kids are beaten as a punishement and it’s a very strict school politics
thatcher’s policy results in riots manifestations racism xynophoby white supermacy and nationalism