Fiche : Racism. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Machistador • 21 Février 2017 • Fiche • 2 128 Mots (9 Pages) • 705 Vues
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- If there had been a doctor in her village, she would not have died.
- When you see the doctor next time, ask him about vitamins.
- They told her she would receive her documents the next day.
- He married her in 1998.
- They have been together since January.
- He stopped smoking after his second cancer.
- 8) He was examining some new figures when he realized he had made a mistake the day before.
9) The refugees will be given tents very soon, says an NGO spokesman.
10) She got her degree 15 years ago.
We've worked for MSF for several years.
Nous travaillons pour MSF depuis plusieurs années.
She worked as a nurse for many years.
Elle a travaillé pendant plusieurs années comme infirmière.
He will have finished by tomorrow morning.
Il aura fini d'ici demain matin.
You should have been warned of the risk.
On aurait dû te prévenir du risque/du danger.
There may exist other issues.
Il se peut qu'il existe d'autres problèmes.
He must have forgotten he was to call you.
We might have died that day.
Had I known that story before, I wouldn't have invited him.
Si j'avais su cette histoire avant, je ne l'aurais pas invité.
Unlike Europe, Africa has a growing population.
Unless radical steps are taken, the situation will get worse.
Although radical steps had been taken, the situation got worse.
Despite the noise, the children fell asleep immediately.
Given the demographic situation in Europe, some experts say immigration is essential for the economy.
Some politicians are in favour of no immigration at all, whereas others want skilled immigrants.
However difficult the English class may seem, it is useful.
As much as same sex marriage is legal, there is no problem if you and your partner wish to marry.
Once you have a baby, life is never the same again.
I guess you are right. However/Still, I have mixed feelings about this plan.
She is likely to succeed.
Elle a de grandes chances de réussir.
They eventually forgot.
Finalement, ils ont oublié.
He hardly works.
Il travaille à peine/guère.
Anything would do.
N'importe quoi ferait l'affaire.
That's the very problem I was mentioning to you.
Précisément le problème/le problème même
It was most difficult.
Extrêmement difficile.
Most difficult problems occur at the last minute.
La plupart des problèmes apparaissent au dernier moment.
For all he did, he failed.
miserable = épouvantable
topped/topped with = recouvert, surmonté de
guarded = réservé/prudent
to feel concerned = inquiet/concerné
underground = clandestin
banned = interdit
acclaimed = acclamé
skilled = qualifié
Adverbes/Expressions/Mots de liaison
by any measure = à tous égards/de quelque point de vue qu'on se place
tightly = fermement
subsequent to = à la suite de
whether = if
at the time = à l'époque
at any cost = à n'importe quel prix
widely = largement
unsurprisingly = sans surprise
to make a sensation = faire sensation
under = in
among = parmi
given = étant donné
to smuggle in = faire entrer qqch clandestinement
to label = étiqueter
to advocate = prôner
to remain = rester
to donate = charité
to look to = se tourner vers
to look at = regarder
to blackmail = faire chanter
to coin a word = inventer un mot
to prevail = l'emporter, dominer
wire = fil de fer
heat = chaleur
a series, a species, a news
scale = échelle
copies = exemplaires
story = article
amunition = munitions
death tolls = nombre de victimes
chief editor = rédacteur en chef
publisher = éditeur
book review = supplément livres
book reviewer = critique
review = criticism
figures = chiffres