Questions sur le cours sur le langage et communication (la psychologie du groupe)
Fiche : Questions sur le cours sur le langage et communication (la psychologie du groupe). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar yenola • 24 Avril 2022 • Fiche • 841 Mots (4 Pages) • 445 Vues
Oral au coef 2 : sur le sujet qu’on veut, on peut faire un oral avec une mise en séance (ex : débat télévisé, interview) : groupe 3 en moyenne aux alentours de 10 minutes
Quizz au coef 1 : questions sur le cours sur le langage et communication (la psychologie du groupe)
Séance 1 :
Raconter une histoire (groupe de 2 ou 3) :
- Situation
- Problem / an unexcepted event / a goal the hero (in) sets for themselves
- Resolution
Séance 2 :
Prochaine séance : prononciation, on s’entraîne à faire une scène culte et le refaire dans la salle (groupe de 1, 2 ou 3), travailler l’intonation, s’équiper d’écouteurs, on peut lire
Choisir un extrait de film
Faire le scripte
Travailler la prononciation / rythme
- Inscrire les accents
- Noter son voyelles
- Indiquer intonation de phrase
S’entraîner à imiter se corriger
1 ou 2 min
CM 3 :
Après d ou t c’est id ex : wanted 🡪 wantid
Exercice :
Link between the two words
Politics & Government
CM 4 :
Politis & Government / Marketing / Psychology
Edward Bernays :
- Father of political propaganda
- Fostered American consumerism
- He was Freud’s nephew
- Wrote several books the manipulation of the masses
- He died very old, at 103
- He coined the phrase public relations
Vidéo : Edward Bernays and Group Psychology : Manipulating the masses
[pic 1]
Bind : lié / attaché
Molded : moulé
Cognitive biases : biais cognitif
In group bias :
Ingroup bias is the tendency to favor one’s own group, its members, its characteristics, and its products, particularly in reference to other groups. The favoring of the ingroup tends to be more pronounced than the rejection of the outgroup, but both tendencies become more pronounced during periods of intergroup contact. At the regional, cultural, or national level, this bias is often termed ethnocentrism. Also called ingroup favoritism. See also group-serving bias.
Source : APA dictionary of psychology
https://rpseawright …
Image : Pyramide de Maslow
At best, in group bias allows for discrimination. Since you favor one group of people, you automatically discriminate against the other, even if it not deliberate or conscious. At worst in-group bias allow for war. It is a major element of war rhetoric.
It helps divide people into twi categories : those who are like us and those who are not like us. Once this has been established, it is east to characterize the other groupe as dangerous enemies and find convincting ground for war